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Back April 27th, 2009 Forward
Dear you, Pretty Boy:

It's been over a week since I opened myself up and asked you out. You were all sweet on me with your flirting, hugging, and joking. And when I decided to summon my courage and actually DO SOMETHING about liking you, you kissed me! Twice! One would think that all this flirting and playing would result in you saying "yes".

I got "Give me 24 hours" instead. Now that i could understand. I did that to most of my exes, while I thought their question over. But I got back to them. I gave them an answer. And I sure as hell didn't wait a WEEK to do so!! Why can't you just make up your mind?! If you're not sure you're ready for a relationship, then tell me. Let me off the hook. Tell me you need time to think about this, instead of saying "give me 24 hours." Because I'm sitting here waiting for you like a lovesick pup, and it is pissing me off. I'm not going to sit here much longer while you laugh off my impatience and continue to flirt like I never even said those words.

Damn it, Pretty Boy, its not that hard!! I am not a hard girl to deal with, ok? I want to be with someone, I want to know that I am wanted, and I do not want to be the 3rd wheel among my friends. That is all I want, and I thought you could give it. It's not like you wouldn't get the same in return. And I'm not clingy, a bitch, or a slut. I won't cheat, lie, abuse, or do any of that shit to you. I'm just. . . ME. Why can't you see that and answer me in a decent amount of time?

You say you don't want to be hurt again, you've had a lot of hard relationships. Well here's one for you. My last relationship STILL scares me because he shows the same signs as an abuser, and a stalker. Before that, the guy I was with cheated on me and lied to me for 6 weeks. I don't even know how old he is, because he lies every single time. Oh, and we can't forget the devout Christian who spent 2 months trying to convert me, and when I didn't comply, he said he couldn't deal with someone who believed in a different religion than him. Despite the fact he said he didn't mind I was Christian when he asked me out.

Oh and then there was the guy who broke my heart for six months. The one I never even DATED.

I've been through my share of bad relationships. We all go through them, it's called LIFE Pretty Boy!! But if you don't answer me soon, you're going to go on my Shit List of Men, along with all the other idiots. So make up your mind and tell me. SOON.

Love (Maybe. If you're good),
The One and Only, Me

location: living room
Current Mood: cranky cranky
Current Music: The News: Nightline
Back April 27th, 2009 Forward