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Back January 3rd, 2009 Forward

Dear Dense Little Twit,

Nice going, jackass. You just had to piss her off to no ends again. Why do you always fail at taking other people's feelings or opinions into consideration. Oh that's right, it's because you're a selfish fandom whore. All she asked you to provide is solid proof and she would believe you. Instead you simply throw assumptions at her and fully expect her to be a loyal lapdog and take your word as the absolute truth. Too bad she, lots of other people and me have all learned the hard way that you indeed love twisting your words to suit your needs.

I warned you once to back the fuck off. Now I'm telling you to go back into your meager fandom corner and chill out. And I will say the only reason I won't do more than writing this letter to you is because she, the person you're annoying the hell out of recently with unproven accusations, hasn't given me her approval to go after you. But you've been really pushing her, and she's about to go over the edge into insanity. For your sake, please don't do that.

But then again, part of me knows I'm wasting my breath talking to you. I'm obviously not following your unwritten and unofficial guidelines to make your life a Mary Sue one, so I seriously doubt you'll bother to read this. That and the thought of you taking time out once a day to actually read your friends list is humorous.

Having An Itchy Trigger Finger Pointed Right At You,

Current Mood: busy busy
Current Music: None
Back January 3rd, 2009 Forward