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Back March 16th, 2008 Forward

Dear you,

Why does it have to be this way?


omgdevin [userpic]

Dear you,

I can't stop smiling and it's all because of you. It's ridiculous, I know. We hardly even talked last night and I probably shouldn't have given you my phone number, but to be honest, you were super cute and how could I not? My roommates are making fun of me for acting all girly and giggly everytime my textmessage alert goes off and it's entirely you're fault.

Why can't you live somewhere around here and make things easy?

Just wanted to let you know, that you're the reason for my smile today.


Dear You,

Why do I feel guilty for telling you off when for eleven years you were hardly ever around? Why is it, that even when I tried to show you I could be aggressive, I still end up hurt? Almost as if every word was reflected back.

Maybe I should have put more thoughts in my words. Maybe I hoped you would actually look at me as a daughter who just need her dad and then be around more, and not take my words and do as I demanded you to do.

A part of me feels awful, for speaking to you in such a away. A part relieved. I am not sure if I regret telling you you are a bad father. It is the truth. Maybe I clinged onto that childish hope that you would come around more often. Maybe I thought that the past eleven years were all just a bad dream. That one day I would wake up and you would be there again. Maybe I thought, once you knew the truth, you would change.

I think, what really happened, is it was like letting you off the rope that forced you around here. Maybe having a dad that was hardly around was better then this guilt.


Current Mood: guilty guilty
Current Music: Foo Fighters: The Pretender

Dear you,

I noticed how you dodged my question. I told you how I felt but, honestly, you've lost a lot of the respect from me that was starting to rebuild because of that stunt you just pulled. No, I'm not okay with it. If you are going to do it, I don't want to hear about it.


Dear hotmail,

wtf. Why do I continue to use you? >>;

a user

Back March 16th, 2008 Forward