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Back February 28th, 2008 Forward

Dear those who commented on my last entry,

I appreciate all of your nice, and a few comedic, comments.
So far, there are no updates on my mother's health. Right now it's just the waiting game. As usual.

Grateful for the caring people in this world,


Dear everyone who is hatin',

I... don't understand. I see it all the time, I see the fights nearly every day, yet I still don't see the logic in all of it.

I'm talking about the constant internet-battles between "fandom members" and "fandom member haters". I will call them FM and FMH. Now... to address both sides;


Dear FM,

Girls, and boys, calm down. Please. I know you adore the characters from the show/manga/anime, so-and-so; however, not everyone likes what you like. So if someone makes a polite comment of 'Oh, I don't really enjoy that show...' don't attack them for it. They don't have to like or enjoy anything that you like.

And yaoi-fangirls (and maybe a few boys too!), not every couple is 'canon' or 'kawaii'. In truth, I do enjoy a few of the non-canon homosexual couples, but I don't force what I like on other people. Not everyone is comfortable with the subject of your two favorite boys macking out, and not everyone thinks it's 'so totally sexy and hot!'. This basically goes for all the pro-heterosexual couple fans, too. Not everyone likes the canon pairings, just like not everyone likes the noncanon couples. So just be quiet if someone likes a couple you don't like, because I'm sure you would feel bad if someone told you your OTP stunk.

Also, if someone makes a rude comment like 'Oh, that show/game/whatever sucks balls!' just ignore them. They're obviously too immature to politely phrase that they don't like something. Don't bother with people like them.

It is possible to enjoy something without being too overbearing!



Dear FMH,

Cut it out. You come off as a bunch of morons when you attack someone for something they like.

I have a tidbit of information for you; just because you don't like something, and you verbally let everyone know in the rudest way possible, it doesn't mean people are going to stop liking it. Telling off one fanperson won't stop them from liking what they like. All you succeed in doing is coming off as a douchebag who enjoys putting complete strangers down.

Now, I'm not sure what everyone's preferences are, but I'm pretty sure nobody enjoys someone like that as company.

Be nice! People will like you more and you'll be a happier person.



Now play nice!


Current Mood: irritated!
Back February 28th, 2008 Forward