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Back December 25th, 2007 Forward

Dear Umbreon,

I love you so much. It's like no other relationship I've ever had. I love what the tarot said about us..."The Lovers" and "The Sun". I told my mother and she's very excited. She thinks you're really nice from what I've said about you.

I'll always be with you cause you're my soulmate.

Much love and devotion,

PS - to those that dont know what The Sun represents in tarot, it represents marriage. It's good if it appears upright. It's bad if its upside down. For this reading, it was upright. ^_^

Current Mood: loved loved

Dear You,

I'm so glad you IMed me last night~ It was nice talking to you! And a lot easier than I was expecting it to be. (For me, anyway. I hope it wasn't much of a torture for you, haha.)

Lol. Reindeer.



Dear Merc and the Aforementioned,

And for both of you, thanks for giving me good lolz and making the end of an "eh" day a bit brighter.



Dear Mutual Friends of Mine and Ritsuka's,

I'm sorry! Now you have to deal with two of us. It seems I created a masterpiece, muahahaha monster. My apologies. :P

Love and cookies,


Dear You,

Merry Christmas. You were one of the first things I thought about when I woke up. I sort of wish I would get a surprise phone call from you, but I know better. I hope you're doing well and aren't having a rotten holiday. I hope your family is behaving, and I hope you're getting to spend Christmas with both of your sisters. You're in my thoughts. And despite you not being around anymore, I love you. Please God don't forget it.


Current Mood: good good
Current Music: H.I.M. - When Love and Death Embrace
Back December 25th, 2007 Forward