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Back April 12th, 2005 Forward
Dear You:

Remember in the fifth grade when I told you that really HUGE secret? You and I and one or two other close GF's huddled in a corner of the playground and had urgent little conversations about it on and off for the rest of the year. Then IT was mentioned once or twice the following year...and I can not remember much about IT and you after the sixth grade.
I do rememeber all of the support and encouragement you gave me. I want to find you now so I can show you how your advice helped me to be strong when I most needed to be, and how I have carried that with me these past 20 years.
And I want to know who and what and how you are now. It has been so long so since Jr High!!

Well I just wanted you to know that I was thinking about you today.

Back April 12th, 2005 Forward