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Back September 12th, 2004 Forward

Dear YOU!

hello YOU! you lovely reader. Well, my parents are divorcing and i just finished helping my dad pack up his shit. oh sigh...well we got everything loaded and my dad takes my brothers and me into my room to have the big, 'im leaving' talk. so he tells us basically, that he cant help us out anymore and that we will never see him again. and he told my youngest brother who is 12 that he was a dissapointment. i dont see how you can tell your twelve year old son, the last time you see him, that he is a dissapointment. whatever man...i was tired of him anyway. i think we all were. my mom is going to try and get this grant thing so she can get enough money to pay for the house and all 4 of us. on another note, school sucks as usual. i hate education, its a conspiracy. eh? oh yeah..if you have a chance you should check out these links,

thats good shit right there...well i guess im better now.
i hate complaining and bitching about my own life when there are other problems in the world that are much bigger...but ok yeah. so um i suppose ill talk to you later.

see ya!

love and gratitude,
dodo bird.

Back September 12th, 2004 Forward