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Back August 24th, 2004 Forward
Dear Those Aware Of Martin and I's Past Relationship

Dear Those Aware,

I'm not sure how many of you ever liked martin, eve thought he was a good person, and I wonder how many of you suppressed amounts of dislike towards him, but I'm sure it happened, I know it happened. And I'm sorry. I was blinded by, what I don't like to, but in this case, must, refer to as, hormones. I apologize if it made you weak at the knees listening to me talk about him, and I regret it. It wasn't worth it. And just as I suppose you suppressed feelings of dislike, at least one of you suppressed feelings of desire. You didn't have to keep it hidden, but you could have waited to act upon those feelings until we were broken up, and I was over him. Which I am, but I dislike him for what he's done, for what you've done, for both of you breaking up a friendship, and causing me so much pain. I just wish for a second to be able to explain it to you without you being critical, because I know some of you don't see eye to eye with me on this. Some of you don't care, either. But I want to explain, it doesn't matter who's right or wrong, who's been wronged, but that two parties were injured, one more than the other, but both damaged none the less, and it was not a misstep by my part. I'm not trying to shove the blame, though I guess that's just how I see it, as not my fault. I'm starting to ramble, just, well, high schools starting and those of you who I cant trust or don't feel deserve my trust, I'm leaving you behind, but thanks


Back August 24th, 2004 Forward