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Back May 4th, 2004 Forward
i love you


I love you more than anything.  I would do anything to be with you.  You are the only thing i want, need, love.... All i can think about is you.  When i close my eyes, i see your wonderful blue eyes, staring into my face, telling me that you love me, expressing everything i've been trying to put into words.  Sometimes, when i wake up from a dream about you, i think i feel your arms around me, but then i realize, its only my own empty, lonely arms.  I feel like if i cant be with you soon, i will no longer be able to function.  The only thing that keeps me going is the knowledge that you love me and that someday well be together.  "Someday" is all i have to live for.  If i ever lose that, i will have no reason to be.  I live my life from visit to visit, counting the days, weeks, months until i will see you.   I hate your mother for the way she keeps us apart.  I dont understand her.  I wish i could just tell her to let go, and make her see that i will do everything to make you happy.  I will take care of you better than she ever could.  Can't she see that youre miserable without me?  But she cant keep you forever.  Someday you will be mine and i will be yours.  I know that we already belong to each other, but when "someday" comes, everyone else will have to acknowledge it too.  Just think, we can be together, with no one to stop us, no one to tell us were too young, no one to take us away from each other.  Someday we will never have to say goodbye again.  Goodbye...  How i hate that word.  It always means im not gonna see you again for a long time.  Goodbye is what signifies losing my happiness and love, if only temporarily.  But no matter where you are or how far it is, i will always love you.  You will always have that knowedge, and i know you will always love me back.  Always.  I dont care how rare it is for people our age to stay together, i know that i will always love you.  The day i dont love you anymore will be the day i stop breathing and my heart stops beating.  I will never stop loving you, and i will only love you more as time goes by.
I love you,

Current Mood: lonely lonely
Back May 4th, 2004 Forward