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Back March 14th, 2004 Forward

Dear Morris,
I hate you. I'm not a dyke. It's funny how you can only say something to me when your friends are around. You pussy. Is Evan your lover or does he just follow you around everywhere and make fun of the same people? Why do you have to play games like that? You're not winning. You won't be smiling when this sniper bullet crashes into your skull and tears away at your brain tissue.
Your enemy,

Current Mood: annoyed annoyed
Current Music: Unwritten Law - Seeing Red

dear you,

you are one of the most amazing people i've ever met.  i don't understand why you have to act like this.  even though i'm never there to see what kinds of stupid things you're doing, trust me...i know.  you've changed so much that it's not even funny.  i don't even feel like we're friends anymore...it's like talking to a stranger when we do talk.  i hope you realize how much i love you and i know you know that.




dear you,

who the hell do you think you are?  sleeping at our play....IN THE FRONT ROW!!  you are the biggest, most inconsiderate asshole on the face of the planet.  you need a swift kick in the balls....i hope you burn........

Current Mood: grumpy grumpy
Back March 14th, 2004 Forward