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Back January 5th, 2004 Forward
South African Tea [userpic]

Dear School,

I agree with so many people that you suck, and I wish we could be educated an easier way without having to spend all these years studying and learning stuff we probably wont remember a year afterwards.
And why do we have to learn things like information on the Middle Ages. I hate that kind of stuff.

Dear guy at the rink,

I don't know you. I don't even know your name. But you seemed like a really cool person, helping that boy every time it was your turn to skate on the ice. And you work there, and I wanted to skate up to you and talk to you, but...well, I just couldn't. I was too shy. Now I regret it, because maybe there could have been something there, right? I mean, maybe you felt attracted to me, the same way I'm attracted to you. Not solely by looks, because those aren't everything, but I felt so attracted to you, because you seemed to have an awesome personality. Who knows...maybe Wendy will be able to get you my number, and maybe you really WERE interested. All these maybe's though. I hate feeling like I'm waiting. I don't have a strong sense of patience, but I can get through it, I know that. It's just that...I feel like I lost a great chance of meeting you; meeting a great guy, because I've had sour luck with guys since I was young. And then the only guy I really felt close too, who i told most of my secrets to...he turned out to be a real prick. I don't know what to do about you...because I think I could care about you if we really did get together. Is that weird? I hope not.
Because, I don't want to make people think I'd stalk someone I like, because I wouldn't ever do that. That's just creepy. It's just so hard to find a guy tall enough for my almost 6 foot height, that when I see one, especially with the great personality, and some good looks....I just feel like jumping up and down in the air, hoping that he's single. Please be single. Please be interested, and as great as I hope you are, and please have the type of respect for me as I deserve.

Yours (hopefully), TEARS

Current Mood: contemplative contemplative
Back January 5th, 2004 Forward