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January 23rd, 2012

[info]cerebrally in [info]dear_mun


The House of L? That sounds wonderful. I'm for it.

But you must let me persuade Erik not to be quite so drastic in his methods.

Also it'd be much appreciated if you could locate Hank, love, we're just not the same without him. Not to mention I have only a foggy impression of how he built Alex's chestplate, and that seems like the kind of thing that would be an awful idea to cock up. Alex isn't ready to control his abilities entirely on his own yet, even if he has made fantastic progress.

Speaking of the children, make sure that I ask Sean to procure us marijuana make sure that I replace Sean's wings as soon as possible. That I can do, although the material may be difficult to come by.

If Raven makes walking around naked a habit please strike me blind.

I think that's everything--oh, yes. Please see to it that my cardigan comes with me. It's simply irreplaceable.

[info]ex_echolocat56 in [info]dear_mun

Tumblr RP Stuff

I know you like these types of shenanigans or whatever, but don't you agree with me? I miss all my friends just being friends.

You know you miss that too. Relationships are messy and they ruin friendships. Besides, I'm over all that stuff now. Leave it alone, okay?

And never again with that old toaster. No kidding about why it's called a flying toaster.