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Posts Tagged: 'wanted:+line%28s%29'

Jan. 9th, 2017



Hi all - Figured I would post here since I've been hiatus for a bit. Still on home rest for another week-ish for now but get plot in order wouldn't be bad.

I just have two (for now) and both could use plots all around.

First is this journal, Rosa Vargas. She's a living vampire and daughter of Desi Vargas, also heir to the family and business. She's close to her aunt and uncles as well as her father; is rather outgoing and friendly though opinionated and not afraid to speak her mind either.

And then there is Maddox Foley. He's witch and older brother of Aran. He also owns Babylon Fire, a higher class brothel who welcomes all good patrons. He's very laid back but protective of family and close friends. He's not a vampire but tends to keep nighttime hours given his job so getting him in the morning is rare occurrence (unless you're Aran) LOL

But yes let me know, I'd love to work all the things out for both of them.


Nov. 30th, 2016



Hi everybody! I'm hoping to join the game with my character here and would love to get some more lines and connections with her before jumping in.

After plotting with Ashley over some aspects of her history, I'm proud to present to you all Zita Burrell Vargas (nee Laurent). She's an Acquiescent Nature Witch who specialises in healing and imbuing items with healing/soothing properties. Very polite and kind but repressed in a lot of ways due to a combination of manners and fear of looking silly/classless in the public eye or in anyone's eye, really.

She married into the Vargas family some time ago and is now a widow with a child to raise since her husband died while undertaking a mission for the family. She was devastated by these turn of events and has opted to become a resident healer for the Vargas family after they supported her through her loss, now healing injuries and wounds for their people so no one else would go through the experience of loss she felt. Zita also happens to own a tea boutique along with a friend of hers and is known to be a reluctant yet dutiful socialite in order to raise awareness of charities ranging from single mothers, widows, and children. She's been in Sol Nocte since her youth so there's a strong chance she ran into characters at some point in her life.

You can find her application here that I'm I'm still tinkering with. While I have some lines for her, I'm quite open to anything! Friends, enemies, staff for her boutique, and then some! Thanks for taking the time to read this.

Nov. 26th, 2016



Hello! I find my interest piqued by this game, but before I go any further I thought I'd poke around here, as I'm undecided on a lot of things.

I'm considering bringing in this boy here, Dietre. As of yet, I'm not sure if he'd be supernatural, human, or gifted human, but I'm pretty sure I want him to be a helot. And if he is a helot, he'd be very recently sold into it.

Personality wise, Dietre is one of those silent, aloof, moody types. He grew up rather isolated (tutored at home) and is pretty socially awkward once someone dares to look past his cold expression and interacts with him. His family was very rich, high class, snooty etc, at least, his father is. I kind of have a vague idea of his history being that his mother was possibly a live in mistress, and while she was alive Dietre lived very well, but when she died, very recently, his father sold him as a helot. Because of this Dietre is QUITE bitter and rather rebellious, though his sort of rebellion is more icy glares and lifting his chin in haughty refusal of orders, lol. So if someone is interested in having their character be the one who just recently bought him, they'll need a firm hand with him probably, but Dietre isn't a fighter so slapping him around / the threat of violence is all he really needs to begrudgingly do what he's told. Just a note, Dietre is gay (though he comes off as sort of asexual, he's kind of a prude/sexually oblivious) so a male owner is preferred if y'know what I mean.

Other tidbits. He's German. Loves reading classic literature. Likes anything Victorian (antiques, clothing, houses etc.) And is obsessed, OBSESSED with playing the piano. Its his only true love at the moment, so if someone were to give him a job as a pianist or something like that, he'd actually be quite pleased.

Not sure if I'd prefer for him to be sold to shapeshifter types or vampires... One or the other!

So, uh... If anything about him strikes your fancy or gives you plot ideas, I'd love to work something out?

E D I T :

So I've come up with a biography for him, though I'll have to finish his history after I decide if he's going to be owned right off the bat or if he'd have been in a halfway house for a couple of months.

His WIP bio is here!