DC Next Generation Roleplay

February 4th, 2015

SCIENCE! @ 11:43 pm


The lab at the Justice League International's Hall of Justice was at least the equal of Uncle Ray's lab at Ivy University, or her dad's lab.  But the Hall Lab had the advantage of being boyfriend adjacent, which was always a plus.  Even if he did occasionally making it hard to concentrate with his sexy distracting sexiness.

She pushed back from the lab table and microscope, and pushed the hair out of her face.

"Dammit...," she said.  "C'mon,  Reaaaaact."

August 26th, 2014

Inbound to Pokolistan @ 01:50 am


Xian was quiet the entire trip. He barely registered the sounds of the jet or the sounds of his teammates speaking. His hands clenched an unclenched, but he remained perfectly silent.

August 13th, 2014

Bad movie night (JLI) @ 07:11 pm


One of the best ways to do team bonding was a movie night. Or, as Annie preferred, watching a bunch of terrible b-movies that they could laugh at and ridicule together. And while she'd picked some good ones, most of them were terrible movies that were so bad that they were laughable. Annie'd picked up pizza, drinks, popcorn, and plenty of other snacks. Annie set up everything in the JLI's lounge and waited for the rest of the team to join her.

August 9th, 2014

Uncivil War @ 09:57 pm


Nikolai didn't expect a warm welcome after what happened the last time THUNDER had sought help from the JLI, but they were the best to handle the growing situation. Plus he suspected if THUNDER didn't involve them, they'd get involved without their permission and make the situation worse. He appeared outside the Hall of Justice.

"Agent Rozhenko of THUNDER, Head of Metahuman Relations. I need to see the JLI."

July 23rd, 2014

Merry Christmas (in July)! @ 08:12 pm


Dex had been busy the past few days shopping for gifts for his teammates, Rose, and Rose's family. This holiday called Christmas was apparently a big deal on Earth, big enough that they had it twice a year. Once in December and once in July.

Loaded with presents Dex went around leaving them for his teammates.

July 4th, 2014

D.C. Comic-Con! (open to JLI) @ 10:10 pm


It wasn't the biggest Comic and Sci-Fi Con in the world, but the D.C. Comic-Con was a fairly impressive one.  Somehow, Lizzy had talked Xian and some of the others into going with her.  Incognito, of course.  Supposedly, some of the Titans were the special guests at this year's Con in San Diego, but she preferred to fly a little more under the radar.

It didn't stop her from cosplaying, though.

"It's an anime," she explained to Xian.  "Magical Princesses: Power of Friendship.  And this is Hisako, my favorite character, 'cause she can grow like me."

"Also, I totally need to see if I can find a bootleg of the latest Gosana and Kame-Komori movie for Dad.  They're making them again, but they're not selling outside Japan."

June 1st, 2014

Nurse Lizzy to the rescue! @ 09:54 pm


There was probably nobody happier to have Xian back (other than Xian of course) than Lizzy.  He'd been in a bad way after their rescue, but fortunately, they were able to bring him home soon enough.  After talking Din down from an international incident-related panic attack.

Plus, you know, she'd survived meeting her boyfriend's parents. 

...Not that she was entirely sure they knew he was her boyfriend.  But still.  She was going to count it as a win.

Carefully balancing a tray in one hand, she slipped into Xian's room.  Despite Petra's suggestions, she wasn't wearing the sexy nurse costume.

"Hey, sexy," she said.  "Brought you some lunch.  How you feeling?"

April 7th, 2014

Assault on Hell's Gate @ 02:24 am


Xian had lost his sense of time. It had to have been at least a couple days..he couldn't really tell. They kept him barely conscious most of the time, moving him from one lab to another. He tried to make out whatever details he could while aware, but he couldn't recall being anywhere else in the facility save the two labs..or was it three..so hard to thinks straight. He did however register the pain he was in. His body was covered with small scars where different incisions had been made, various inserted into his body, connecting him to various machines. He thought they were studying his physiology..at least that's what he got from bits and pieces of what his captors said. He had tried to transform on several occasions, but couldn't. Xian thought he heard someone say something about a machine..maybe that was what was attached to the back of his neck..? His captors were Chinese, if the frequent use of Mandarin was any indication. His teammates had been right all along...

Xian's thoughts were interrupted by voices.

"Director Tseng, we have run extensive tests on the subject and I believe the results will bare fruit soon. It is my estimate that within a month we will be able to duplicate the Colonel's abilities into our soldiers."

"Good, Doc," came the casual response. "The Chairman will be happy to hear it. I know I am. I can't wait to get back to the mainland, this has been boring as hell."

"..Quite, Director," the other voice replied, not quite sure how to respond to the other man. A slight hint of fear could be heard in the 'doctor's' response. He caught a glimpse of a man with a full beard and mustache...

"Relax, Doc," 'Tseng' replied. "I know you love your science and believe me the Director's all a quiver on what you can come up with here, but it's just not my thing." Xian gets a blurry image of a tall man with what looked like a scar over his eye and..a streak of dyed red hair? "So how is our boy? You gotta keep him naked like that?"

"He is not aware at the moment, but in no danger of death," the doctor responded. "..Yes, Director, it makes conducting multiple experiments easier."

"I'll never understand how you doctors can be okay with another guy's junk hanging out at you."

"Director!" Xian believed this was a new voice, and one that was alarmed.

"The hell you yelling about, Chen?" Tseng asked, irritated.

The third man, 'Chen's' face was heavily bandaged, though Xian thought he could catch a glimpse of small burn scars on the man's face.

"We've picked up some manner of plane heading for the island. We've identified it as belonging to those Western capes, the JLI! They're on their way to here!" The bandaged man yelled indignantly.

"What? There is no way the mainland would allow Westerners to come here," the doctor said, shocked.

"We're not dealing with bureaucrats, Doc. These are gung-ho, fuck the rules superheros," Tseng said with a chuckle. "Things have finally gotten interesting."

"Interesting!? This is Hell's Gate, Tseng! Our greatest prison! I won't have it fall to a bunch imperialist quai-lo freaks!"

"Chen..shut the hell up and listen," Tseng said with a coolness that he hadn't previously displayed. "Get the defenses ready. Surface to air missiles, turrets, the works. Tell the men to get ready for war."

"War!? This is not a war, this is..!"

The man's cut off as he suddenly rises in the air, holding his throat. Tseng stood casually to the side with his arms crossed.

"Do what I said you little shit, or I'll find this place a new warden."

The bandaged man fell with an unceremonious flop to the floor. He groaned, cursing and holding his neck before nodding once and leaving the room.

"The defenses won't mean shit," Tseng said to the doctor after Chen left. "but it will give me time to make a call. Also, have the wetworks crew on standby."

"Yes, Director."

Xian heard the whole conversation, though he pretended to still be unaware. The JLI was coming for him..it gave him hope. He just had to hold on wait for his opportunity. No way he was just going to sit still and have his comrades do all the work...