DC Next Generation Roleplay

February 4th, 2015

You're a Guardian, Harry! @ 10:03 pm


Heather headed up to Harry's room, carefully carrying a tray. 

They'd been lucky, lately.  No crazy space people trying to capture them or kill the or use them or anything.  They were training and might actually one day be a pretty worthwhile super-hero team.  Or maybe the world's greatest search and rescue squad.  Their powers certainly lent themselves to that.

But the New Guardians had lately had a lot of time to tend to their individual lives and affairs.  Heather's art career was still going well, though she'd taken to experimenting with some forms outside of crystal weaving lately, just to keep in practice.

In the meantime, though, she knew Harry did a lot of volunteer work on the side.  And she'd discovered there was chocolate cake mix in their pantry.   And you had to give in to the siren sound of cake.

She knocked on Harry's door.

August 12th, 2014

New Guardians movie/tv night @ 06:37 pm


Someone had mentioned doing a movie night for tonight. Or it could've been to watch The Bachelor. He wasn't sure, there had been too much going on. But still, it sounded like a nice idea, so Harry thought he'd be helpful by setting up all the snacks, popcorn, and finding extra cushions. He really didn't mind whatever they ended up watching.

May 6th, 2014

Professionals @ 05:19 pm


Cindy was wandering around with a clipboard, figuring a few things out.

"So, Harry," she said suddenly. "How's work?"

April 25th, 2014

The issue of the double chainsaw vespa @ 01:35 am


Harry had been working with Pippi for a bit now, and was starting to understand how things worked. Still, people kept telling him he underestimated the insanity she could come up with unsupervised. That seemed a bit mean to him to be honest, Pippi was smart, and really wanted to help people, and she did have logic, her logic was just not exactly the same as most people's. But stuff she did still had sense to it once you figured out how Pippi thought of things. So Harry maintained that Pippi really didn't need 'supervision', at least not to the extent everyone seemed to think. She just needed help with helping others and making sure it was the sort of help they'd want and appreciate. Besides, people had their strengths, everyday detail stuff wasn't hers was all, and that's why she needed a handler (though he still thought the title wasn't quite right).

Still...in the face of what he was looking at right now, Harry was starting to think that maybe she needed even more help with that whole helping others thing than he'd originally thought. No, he was not going to agree with the majority and say she needed supervision, but someone certainly needed to help her so these sorts of ideas didn't see the light of day.

"Umm...I don't think...I mean...I...it's umm...probably not legal to drive that anywhere..."

He wasn't sure how this had happened, but someone or some organization decided to gift Pippi with a vespa complete with whatever customization she wanted. His own schedule had conflicted with the meeting to discuss what custom add-ons she wanted, but he had contacted the, very obliging it seemed now, people to say if there was any trouble or help was needed, they could contact him. They hadn't though. Well...they had, but only to say when it'd be ready. But that odd joke about 'cutting through traffic' made sense now. He'd thought Pippi had just requested a lot of indigo or pink, with animal decorations or something. Harmless and matching most of her stuff. He had not expected...That.

Harry again blinked and rubbed his eyes at the vespa with chainsaws coming out on either side. What had he gotten himself into?