DC Next Generation Roleplay

March 13th, 2015

An Enemy Stabs You In The Heart, But A Friend Stabs You In The Back @ 04:44 pm


Riley looked down at the table, then up at his friend. His face was twisted in disbelief and betrayal.

"K'hym... you don't do that to a friend... it's just not right..."

She'd thrown down a Wild - Draw 4.

February 8th, 2015

At his moment of greatest weakness (meme) @ 07:33 pm


"AVIA! YOU FIX THIS RIGHT NOW!" Riley hollered, clinging to the edges of the bathtub as it hurtled over the building.

The afternoon had progressed innocently enough. Someone practice getting out of chains and ropes with Avia, then borrowing her bathroom afterwards to wash off the day's sweat and grime. Emergency preparedness was one thing, but what sort of lunatic has a flying bathtub?!

February 7th, 2015

Wasteland (Meme) @ 09:43 pm


Riley looked out at the miles of scorched earth in front of him and Annie, from the Time Sphere. It took him a few moments of horrified gazing before he turned to her. They'd only gone back thirty years.

"What did you DO? I told you not to touch anything!"

October 28th, 2014

Halloween In Vegas! (Open!) @ 09:01 pm


By birth, Avia may have been an immortal New God, but in many of the ways that counted, she very much considered the Earth to be her home.  It was, simply put, the groovy-est place in the universe.  And one of the things that made it that way was the awesome holidays, which included Halloween.

In between hero-ing, Avia had mostly been performing in Vegas, along with handling some of the more charitable ends of Miracle Inc.  She actually rather liked the casino, a super-hero themed one that had gone up a few years ago.  She was packing the house every night, selling plenty of merchandise to fund charitable donations, and generally getting a kick out of performing.

So with a little help from her set-up crew (and overtime pay), she'd converted the warehouse where she was storing all the extra gear and other devices for her act into the perfect Halloween Party Pad.  Called in a couple of favors to get Scare Tactics to play (she used to open for them, before her own act took off), gotten catering (including an Ace of Cakes made Halloween cake), and gone all out.  Beer for those who wanted it, punch, everything.

And, of course, she'd invited all her friends, and encouraged them to bring and invite their friends.  Which, given the number of people she knew, was quite the large group.

For her own part, Avia was dressed as, of all things "Sexy Escape Artist."  The costume was clearly based on her own, albeit with a very short skirt, low cut top, and only a partial mask that allowed her hair to be free.  She'd seen it and just had to buy it. 

Of course, she'd then sent pictures to lawyers to get that ball rolling.

July 3rd, 2014

Riley's Bachelor Party @ 10:03 am


"Gentlemen... let's do this thing." Riley smiled as he pushed open the limo door. He'd eschewed the traditional bachelor party hedonism in favor of just some good times in the Devil's Playground. For an old guy, Zatara had been pretty chill; cashing in a few favors to make sure that, regardless of age, those in the party would be able to play and imbibe to their hearts' content at a few different casinos.

And so, tuxedo-clad, the premier roster of today's young superheroes hit the town.