October 31st, 2012

[info]notpayingpaul in [info]daysthatwere

Narrative: Peter Pettigrew

Who: Peter Pettigrew
When: October 1981
What: It all comes down to this.

So much for grand plans )

[info]buckoff in [info]daysthatwere

El Fin

Who: James Potter
When: Halloween Night, mid-evening
What: The end of the line.
Warnings: Character death

we'll see how brave you are, and we'll see how fast you've been running )

[info]marymcd in [info]daysthatwere

Who: Mary MacDonald OPEN to anyone to tell her to go home.
What: Finding James & Lily.
Where: Godrics Hallow
When: Halloween.
Rating: Low!

No... )

[info]siriuslygreat in [info]daysthatwere

RP Narrative.

Who: Sirius Black (and various cameos).
When: October 31, 1981. Halloween. Later at night after James and Lily Potter's murders.
Where: Godric's Hollow, and a street in Manchester.
What: When Sirius Black finds out that Voldemort got through the Fidelius Charm and managed to kill the Potters, this is his immediate reaction following Hagrid's, Sirius', and Fudge's canon accounts in The Prisoner of Azkaban.
Rating: PG-13.

Time. Where did it all go? )

[info]dtw_npcs in [info]daysthatwere

Wireless Announcement; 31 October, 1981 (around 9PM)

Wireless Announcement; 1 January, 1981 )

[info]geoffster in [info]daysthatwere


owl to aaron wagtail )

owl to victor ketteridge )

[info]defacevalue in [info]daysthatwere

Who: Remus Lupin & Nic Mason
When: October 31st 1981
Where: Their flat
What: Remus comes home after it’s all said and done.
Rating: Sad. Duh.
Note: This was written before Frankenstorm knocked Wolfie’s power out, so the timing on exactly when this happened might have to be a little flexible.

Denial didn’t stop the world from spinning, but he couldn’t lose it now. If he slipped just a little, it would be a downward spiral: quick and unforgiving. )

[info]dtw_npcs in [info]daysthatwere

Daily Prophet Special Edition; 31 October, 1981

Daily Prophet Special Edition; 31 October, 1981 (delivered at 11PM) )

[info]phillipi in [info]daysthatwere

OWLPOST for the Auror Office )

November 2012



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