/*CHANGES TITLE */ Keep your day jobs! (OOC) dayjobs; heroists ooc's Journal -- Day
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OOC : Introduction! [14 Jun 2010|12:32pm]

Hey comrades, Lynn here bringing you Julian Keller at [info]greenvigilante and Jennifer Stavros (an original Hellion :P!) at [info]20black.

Hellion )

Roulette )

You can also add my CDJ if you have one, at [info]princedevlin My contact post is there too, if you ever want to leave me a message. As for the game itself, keep your eyes peeled because it'll be up n' running tonight (as soon as I get home from work)! If you wanna prep a narrative post to introduce your character in the game as a sort of "where they are now", it might be a good way to start off! For threads, I'm going to kick it off with Roulette at Chow's diner, so John? Nessa? Tess? Feel free to tag right in ;)

- Lynn, ½ the mod team @ IdDevlin on AIM.
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[14 Jun 2010|03:00pm]
Hello, hello! Erin here, bringing you my two boys, Northstar and Pyro at [info]trykeepingup and [info]arsonforanarchy respectively.

John was a full-fledged, proud member of the Broho back in the day, and very enthusiastic about the sorts of destruction he caused at that point in his life. He still has strong loyalties to Magneto, despite the fact that the guy isn't around anymore, and to several other members of the Broho who are still around and kicking. While it's likely everyone in the group knew him on some level, not everyone who ran with Mags knew his real name, or even saw him outside of his suit. It's likely that there are several characters who managed to avoid getting caught who were in the group who know who he is, and I'd be glad to help establish if your characters would be among those. Also, if there are Brotherhood characters running around now who were nabbed by the authorities/publicly outed, John will be avoiding them like the plague. Considering he's still somewhat "active", he'd rather not get caught just for associating with any "knowns". Currently, John is working at Chow's Diner, mostly on the late afternoon/night shift. The boy would love some guy friends (potentially a future Avalanche, Juggernaut, Blob, or Toad would be fun), but for the moment he's happy to have his harem of girl buds. Anyone who knew him in the Broho days would likely notice that he's sort of settled down a little bit with the Chow family. Characters in general will likely hear news stories of John's handywork in the form of impressive acts of arson, and often fatal attacks against well-known, in-the-spotlight mutant haters.

JP is the bartender at the jazz club, Blackbird. He's sort of a cheeky asshole sometimes, but he's not a bad guy, and is actually pretty willing to help others who need genuine assistance. He's got mixed feelings about the whole "costumed heroes" thing, but mostly because he wishes people were brave enough to do the same things without suits and masks. He does, however, play favorites, and it's likely that there will be a few heroes that he's actually rooting for. Back in the day he was a photographer, when X-Man and Mags were still running around, so if anyone had heroes hopping to the rescue at that point and would like to have a bit of a "I used to take your photograph all the time" type thing going on, it would at least be fun. The boy also needs friends in general, m'thinks. JP doesn't have too much going on right now other than work and attempting to quit smoking, but in the future he'll likely be willing to assist some heroes in some way or another. He might even suit up himself eventually.

I'd love all breeds of plot for either of my boys, and you guys can find me pretty easily on aim at Carpe Steakum. Can't wait to start playing!
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[14 Jun 2010|09:49pm]
Yo! I'm being a cool kid with an intro, too! =D I'm Samma, and I'm bringing one kid to the table so far. Might try another in the future. We'll see how things work out. But I'll say probably not for a while, I'm a bit swamped with a lot of things. Regardless, hello! I'm reachable at Weekend Renee on AIM, but I'm shy so you'll have to give me some time. Or a group chat. I'm chatty in those sometimes. XD ANYHOW! So. Remy LeBeau.

Remy, Remy, Remy. He doesn't really have a job. He's a thief. So he has a lot of spare time. He spends that all around NYC. He really likes Genosha and Hell's Fire. The former gets him a lot of jobs, the latter, well. Need you ask? He's probably gone to Chows, too. And Blackbird. Jazz = <3. Remy's a mercenary for hire who will do anything but kill others. He swings to both sides, and does plenty on his own: like blowing up BP headquarters. And gas stations. There's been plenty of articles lately about BP gas stations getting carefully bombed - the clerks getting knocked out and dragged out and the stations falling in on themselves and the gas pumps remaining in tact - Remy really can't stand any more deaths on his hands. He avoids Brooklyn and the Bronx like the plague since he betrayed the Marauders and got several Morlocks killed. He's outwardly outgoing and friendly and really forward, especially with pretty ladies. While for the most part, he likes the part of the extrovert, he hides a lot of guilt and while tipsy he's more outgoing (somehow), completely drunk it's all he can think about. He can really hold his alcohol, though, so it doesn't happen often.

Uhm, I ramble. I think that's apparent. I will stop going on here and link his profile. Feel free to skim! I'm looking for anything, really. Remy goes by Gambit when he's "on the job" and leaves calling cards. On cards. He's known by a few as Gambit and by many as Remy and he's very pervasive throughout the mutant world, underground and otherwise. Hit me up if you've got ideas!
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