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WELCOME TO HEROISTS! [13 Jun 2010|04:24am]
Hey everyone, and welcome to the OOC Community for HEROISTS! At long last the ribbon cutting ceremony is upon us! Feel free to break the ice by making an intro post here, introducing yourself, your character(s), and any potential lines to get the ball rolling!

The FAQ has been updated, so check it out for information about how journals work in-game and how to thread! Also check out the ever useful Reference List, Player List and Cast Page for some pretty pictures and quick and easy guides to information.

Jay and I are super excited to kick this game off, and it’s been a lot of fun plotting and chatting with all of you this past week. We have a great team so far and a growing cast of players and characters. We hope you all enjoy your time here at Heroists, and most of all, have fun.

Keep an eye out for your asylum invites to [info]citynights soon, as we’ll be opening the game within the next 24hours.

~ Lynn & Jay
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love comes around~~ [13 Jun 2010|05:15pm]
Hey there! I'm Jay, and I'm bringing in HUSK and MASTERMIND to the game! :D And can I just say how excited I am? It is hard to start any game, let alone an x-men one! And we finally have a solid player base. Thats so awesome! But anyways, to the characters.

[info]skinhusks Paige Guthrie is a heroine, for obvious reasons. She is extremely competitive with her brother, Samuel (who I hope may come in so these two can be a pair!), but she generally cares about the city she lives in, and has decided to do something about all of the crime it receives. Paige doesn't have a costume, unfortunately. Her body will rip whatever she does wear while transforming, so usually she runs around the city naked. Husking her skin is always hard after that, as she is extremely nude -- so she makes sure to either take off her clothes before she changes, or only husks in one of her personally deemed "safe zones". Paige is a student at NYU by day, and also manages the school library (paid student workers are the best, aren't they?)

[info]masterminder Jason Wyngarde is a villain, but that term has been used so harshly, he probably isn't what you might assume he is. Mastermind is an opportunist at best, abusing his mutation for more crime related activity. Sure, he robbed a bank to fund Hell's Fire, but he did it for something that has a purpose! He also supports the prostitution, drug and sex trafficking of others into the city and district x. Hell's Fire also has a dungeon below, though you probably wouldn't know this. He hasn't been confronted by a hero-type yet, though hes never satisfied, and just might have to sneakily jack some more funds! Being able to cast illusions and swipe memories is really useful. But, as you can see he only supports criminal activity. Definitely not a "JOKER/MAGNETO" type.

If you want any lines or something, hit me up via contact posts on their journals, or you can catch me on AIM via expressive self! I is stoked!
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Why hello thar! [13 Jun 2010|10:22pm]
So I've read all the profiles and I'm completely intimidated and floored that my lame ass gets to play with ya'll. Ahem.

I play Illyana Rasputina and Vanessa Carlysle.

Illyana is a casually smashy little thing. It's probably not a good idea to try mugging someone while she's around. So if someone wants to entertain the socially challenged In Limbo We Say Hello By Punching Each Other in the Face expat, be my guest! :D Okay, so they probably don't punch each other in the face... more like threaten each other with poinky things. I mean, she mostly knows better than that, she's been socializing with other foster teens in a halfway home! On second thought, she probably hasn't learned much better than that. >>

Nessa is very neurotic. Her old boss has been letting (fake) information slip through criminal contacts so that just about everyone who's interested in such topics like, "Where is Mags? What happened to X-Man?" might be interested in finding a whitey-blue metamorph, not to be confused (or maybe to be confused!) with that other blue metamorph. Whatever will make things interesting in a plot happy kinda way.

EDIT: Oh. I'm BB, by the way. :B
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