October 10th, 2010

[info]professoro in [info]darkmarkooc

Hey everyone! Erin again, with her fifth char. I'm finally snagging a professor, mwhahaha! So, everyone say hi to Professor Benedict Ogden! He teaches Arithmancy and has done for a couple of years now. If you're a fellow professor, you may call him Dickie. If you're student, you will call him Professor Ogden or he will have you killed. What do you need to know about him, hmmmmm...

In bullet points and it's STILL too long )

So! Plot, friendlies, people to loathe and be loathed in return, lemme know who's taking Arithmancy! I'm open for anything, as ever. AgentOOAwesome on AIM, feel free to shoot ideas at me.
Erin (and Doc/Barty/Ralph/Florean. And Benedict, too.)

[info]arghihateyou in [info]darkmarkooc


It sucks, but I just couldn't seem to get a good foothold in this game, or kind of "click" with it. So, sorry to say, although I did basically nothing with my darling Freya, I'm dropping her.

Peace out!