September 23rd, 2010

[info]peter_therat in [info]darkmarkooc

Sooo, I'm doing this really quickly because I really have to go to bed. But this is Sara with her last character (Seriously I mean it) and he is Peter Pettigrew! I know, right?

Anway couple things about him. He is the awkward member of the Marauders. He's squishy and hobbity and, at least currently in his life, kinda lovable. He knows he's the tag along/side kick of the group, but feels pretty lucky to have such cool friends. He's not very good at most things and has horrible marks in his classes. He's very good with animals though, especially small ones. He also really likes food. He's terrified of girls. He's very gullible.

His really big character flaw is that he's spineless and weak. He's squeamish about pretty much anything and is terrified of pain. He's hates leading or being in charge of anything, and since he doesn't really stand up to people he tends to blindly follow whoever is acting like the big boss (Normally Sirius or James). He's fairly loyal to his friends, but his fear of getting hurt or uncomfortable is bigger than his loyalty. If he thinks he's in trouble he will throw you under the bus, but he doesn't do that very often at the moment.

Um, this is rambley, but I'm trying to do it quickly! Friends, a girl he can crush on and stutter at, enemies, people that take advantage of him?

[info]cbavery in [info]darkmarkooc

So given that Clara is an openly neutral student at this point I'm thinking she really needs some people pushing her from either/both sides... and for her it's all about remaining loyal to her family. Since no one is currently playing her brother (5th year Slytherin) or Father I was wondering if any of the other pureblood students would be willing to take Clara on as a cousin since there isn't really much canon information about the Avery family. Any ideas or characters welcome!

[info]hanajay in [info]darkmarkooc

HIII! Tracey here with my third (yes, third) character!

Her name is Hana Jeung and she's the future Momma Chang. I HIGHLY recommend you read her info because a) I had a lot of fun with it and I like it a lot and b) it will give you a better sense of who she is.

BUT, as usual, the basics:
  • she will <3 you if you do either of 2 things: make/give her a hat OR make a pillow fort with her
  • she has a russian blue named Phillipe
  • she likes to flirt but would rather be friends than friends w/benefits with a guy (but she has had at least 2 or 3 serious relationships while at hogwarts, i'm thinking)
  • she LOVES quidditch, but she doesn't play, so consider her Hufflepuff's personal cheerleader (:
  • she likes to avoid negative confrontations
  • she's the type of girl who will punch you on the shoulder/ruffle your hair/pinch your cheeks. react accordingly.
  • she's got a big FAT crush on a certain Mssr. Chang.

I need a few past relationships? A best friend? An enemy or two? Flirt buddies? Quidditch or History of Magic nerds? Pillow Fort friends? :D!!!