September 22nd, 2010

[info]ex_ezzy953 in [info]darkmarkooc

HELLO MY LOVES. Steff back with another, and HOPEFULLY LAST. I know I just dropped Kings, but this girl has been eating at my mind for the past week.

She is Spanish, from Spain, and is only attending Hogwarts because it was her grandmother's dying wish, not because her father wanted to send her there. However, all her stuff comes from Spain, so she doesn't have an Ollivander wand, Madame Malkin robes, etc.

Esmeralda is a girly girl - her dad owns a bunch of jewelry stores in Spain so it's sort of impossible for her NOT to be. She's friendly and trusting, and that occasionally gets her into trouble. Esmeralda can be one of those annoying giggling girls because this boy asked this girl to the ball and it's EXCITING. She's fairly innocent though, very easy-going, and knows the right things to say to people, so a lot of people come to her for advice. Mostly because she CAN be trusted with a secret.

Her intelligence is all "puzzle" based. So she's good at things which have formulas and logical answers that are the same in every language. Therefore, she's bad at DADA which is primarily instinct and the ability not to freeze up. Read more here if you want!

Um, yeah. Friends, enemies, love interests, etc?

OH ALSO! She has a 7th year brother. Should anyone want to pick him up, his name (Felipe) and house (Ravenclaw) are totally open to change if you want!

[info]theochastain in [info]darkmarkooc

Kristy again! Finally, I have someone who will actually like people.

This is Theo Chastain, who a few of you know already from other games. Some of you from the first DMR might recognize parts of her, considering that she is the basis of my version of Hestia.

Briefly (because I'm about to go eat dinner), Theo is a sixth year Gryffindor and Beater for the team. She's very playful and ridiculous a vast majority of the time. She has the tendency to make up elaborate stories to explain otherwise mundane things and she curses like an old sailor. She's very clumsy, but has embraced it as a part of her personality -- feel free to imply her tripping over your characters if you'd like! She's on the heterosexual end of bisexuality (about a 2 on the Kinsey scale), but she's a huge fan of relationships without strings.

YES. LET ME GET AT THAT PLOT. I love you all, so I'm excited to actually play someone who won't hate everyone.

[info]cbavery in [info]darkmarkooc

Hello all! I'm new to this group and would like to introduce Clara Avery, a 6th year pureblood Slytherin. You might not have heard of her before because she likes to stay in the background, but don't think that means she's not watching everything. Clara's a bit of a bookworm and always very proper in public but once she's around her friends she'll relax a bit. And between you and me that polite exterior conceals a rather disturbing cruel streak.

Clara likes potions, ancient runes and has no patience for transfiguration, Quidditch, or people who lack any semblance of subtlety. Also, she has a 5th year Slytherin brother who I'd like to play her as being very close to but he hasn't been cast as of yet, so if anyone's interested let me know! At this point the character is open to friends, a love interest, enemies - anything's interesting.

[info]monaco_smile in [info]darkmarkooc

Hello Ladies.

Christie here, with her last, and a hufflepuff at that!

Jalal (Jay) Zabini, is a 7th year Hufflepuff whose father owns wizarding casinos and resorts in Monoco. He's a halfblood who believes himself to be pure. He enjoys beaches, ladies, gambling, and transfiguration. He enjoys quidditch, but doesn't play because then it would be unethical to run a book :D

He's rich, accomodating, hardworking, and poised to inherit bank, ladies! He also probably is the sort who could lose himself in a relationship. He runs a poker game, guys who like that sort of thing. It's invite only, but, those interested could probably score invites.

And, I put too much lime in my mojito :< So! Plots? Friends? Rivals? Current/Future/Past flings? LoveInterestsWhoWon'tKillHim?