Jan. 29th, 2011


Fic: Flashpoint 3

Title: Flashpoint
Author: Peja
Story Summary: The truth behind why Seamus left Boston
Chapter Summary: Rafe arrives
Fandom: Andromeda
Pairing: Seamus Harper/Dragon warrior [Gordon Michael Woolvett/o], Pre-slash for Seamus Harper/Rafe Valentine [Gordon Michael Woolvett/Cameron Daddo]
Rating: FRAO
Prompt: The WWOMB Archive's Random Fandom last week was Andromeda. I kinda thought I'd take it up and bring out another chapter of this long lost story. It's less than a week late, so...whatever.
Warnings: This one is a slave fic, with all the darkness of that trade. Be warned of nastiness to come. There is Non-con sex in this chapter.
Genre: slash
Spoilers: Yea, but I can't remember the ep name, so when they went back to Boston ep....
Feedback: I write faster if I have a reason too
Series: No
Chapter number if WIP: 3
Previous chapters or series at: http://www.squidge.org/~peja/cgi-bin/viewstory.php?sid=1605
Sand-box [open series]: Y
Permission to archive to WWOMB: Y
Acknowledgments/Notes: This story is an AU in that Rafe finds Harper, not his sister. It does play on bits of info about the society that Harper came from in Boston, but I've taken liberties.
Disclaimer. Andromeda does not belong to me. no money made in this

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Jan. 11th, 2011


Fic: Vulnerable

Title: Vulnerable
Author: PEJA
Summary: McKay learns a horrible truth.
Fandom: SGA
Characters/Pairing (portrayed by): John Sheppard/Rodney McKay, John Sheppard/Marshall Sumner
Rating: FRT13
Prompt: mcsheplets challenge #89 is Vulnerable.
Warnings: angst
Word count: 192 words
Genre: slash
Series: No
Sand-box [open series]: Y
Permission to archive to WWOMB: Y
Disclaimer. SGA does not belong to me. no money made in this
Author's websites:

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Nov. 15th, 2010


Fic: Interrogation

Title: Interrogation
Author: Peja
Summary: Jack wants answers
Fandom: Torchwood
Characters/Pairing (portrayed by): Jack Harkness, Ianto Jones
Rating: FRM, for violence against another, at this time.
Prompt: From the [info]tw_cw prompting comm: authors choice #198 - interrogate/interrogation
Warnings: Could be considered OOC, but the episode left a very angry Jack, and his history (countrycide) speaks of past...misdeeds
Genre: slash, but not yet...ish
Spoilers: Cyberwoman
Series: no, single story in chapter format
Sand-box [open series]: Y
Permission to archive to WWOMB: Y
Acknowledgments/Notes: Once more an exploration of Cyberwoman, picks up after the events.
Disclaimer. Torchwood does not belong to me. no money made in this
Comm/List Written for: the [info]tw_cw prompting comm
Author's websites: http://www.squidge.org/~peja/cgi-bin/viewuser.php?uid=1
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Oct. 9th, 2010


fic: The Last Room On The Left

Title: The Last Room On The Left
Author: PEJA
Summary: Duke visits the last room on the left.
Fandom: Haven
Characters/Pairing (portrayed by): Nathan Wuornos/Duke Crocker [Lucas Bryant/Eric Balfour]
Rating: FRT
Prompt: picture prompt http://community.livejournal.com/all_unwritten/296964.html
Warnings: cross-dressing?
Genre: slash
Series: no
Sand-box [open series]: Y
Permission to archive to WWOMB: Y
Disclaimer. Haven does not belong to me. no money made in this.
Note: This was written quickly,and 'cuz I felt like it. But Ianto is screaming his outrage, so...

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Aug. 7th, 2010


Fic: Broken Wings

Title: Broken Wings
Author: Peja
Summary: How high can you fly with broken wings?
Fandom: Torchwood
Characters/Pairing (portrayed by): Jack Harkness/John Hart [John Barrowman/James Marsters]
Rating: FRT
Prompt: How high can you fly with broken wings
Warnings: angst
Genre: slash
Spoilers: Children Of Earth
Series: no
Series URL: n/a
Previous stories [title & URL]: no
Chapter number if WIP: n/a
Previous chapters or series at: N/a
Sand-box [open series]: (Y/N)
Permission to archive to WWOMB: (Y/N)
Disclaimer. Torchwood does not belong to me. no money made in this
Comm/List Written for: (opt) http://community.livejournal.com/cardiff_tales &
http://community.livejournal.com/tw_wc (a Torchwood prompts comm)
Author's websites: http://www.squidge.org/~peja/cgi-bin/viewuser.php?uid=1

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Jun. 16th, 2010


Fic: Team Pet

Title: Team Pet
Author: peja
Fandom: Torchwood
Characters/Pairing [portrayed by]:
1. Jack Harkness/Charles Gaskell [John Barrowman/Cornelius Macarthy]
2. Alice Guppy/ Emily Holroyd [Amy Manson/Heather Craney] mentioned
Rating: FRT
Prompt: "Team Pet" issued from tw100
Warnings: angst
Genre: slash
Summary: Jack ponders running or going back to Charles.
Series: Freaks and Lovers. Second in series, sequel to "Pet Freak" http://www.squidge.org/~peja/cgi-bin/viewstory.php?sid=46452
Series Summary: This is the story of Billy and Sue, an age ole' story, with a moral too...but Billy had to die, and when you learn the reason why, you'll hang your head and cry...oops, wrong couple...Jack and Charles. Harkness and Gaskell, that is. Wrong story too, cuz Jack can't die. He can only wish he could.
Series location: http://www.squidge.org/peja/cgi-bin/series.php?seriesid=801
Spoilers: Mention of episode "Fragments"
Permission to archive to WWOMB: Yes
Acknowledgments/Notes: About the Requested Fic order....I'm skipping ahead on this one since this is this week's prompt over at tw100. Will get back to the "Andromeda/Angels 4"piece soon as I post this.
Disclaimer. Torchwood, Jack Harkness and Charles Gaskell do not belong to me, their are the creation of one Richard Davies. That said, no money made in this

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Jun. 9th, 2010


Requested Fic: Love's Never Easy 1: Pheromones

Title: Love's Never Easy 1: Pheromones
Author: PEJA
Summary: Ianto wants to know Jack's pheromones aren't influencing beyond his actual feelings for Jack.
Fandom: Torchwood
Characters/Pairing (portrayed by):
1. Jack Harkness/Ianto Jones (John Barrowman/Gareth David-Lloyd)
2. Gwen Cooper, Owen , Tosh
Rating: FRAO
Prompt: Request from hab318princess (LJ) ....
I'll happily take a Jack/Ianto with fighting / making up if you feel it in you
Note: I wanted some feedback about what jack and Ianto would fight about, so I picked the minds of some delightful list and journaling sibs. Got several wonderful suggestions. To be fair, and as a thank you to the folks who took the time to send me their ideas, I'll be writing a piece for each of those suggestions, so this is the start of a series "Love's Dark Side". The fight idea for this story-ette came from Kate who suggested they fight about Jack's pheromones.
Warnings: Angst, H/c
Genre: slash
Series: Love's Never Easy #1
Previous "Request a Fic" fandoms: 1. NCIS - Who Do I Have To F... 2. Andromeda - Angels 3 3. NCIS - Sometimes I'm wrong 4. Torchwood - Unnamed Series 1: Pheromones
Next Up - Torchwood/League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen.
Permission to archive to WWOMB. Others, please ask.
Acknowledgments/Notes: I'm doing a "request a fic" on the Journals. So at the same time I am accepting story and WIP chapter requests. If there is something specific you would like me to write or continue, now is the time to let me know, either by going to the journals and entering your request in the post comments section or by contacting me through FB or directly. Stories are being written as I find the request, so an obvious notation helps speed your story.
Disclaimer. Torchwood does not belong to me. no money made in this

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May. 30th, 2010


Requested Fic: Angels: Chapter 3: Lost and Found

Title: Angels: Chapter 3: Lost and Found
Author: peja

Summary: Harper goes looking for Tyr.
Fandom: Andromeda
Charaters/Pairing (portrayed by):
1. Seamus Harper/Tyr Anasazi (Gordon Michael Woolvett/Keith Hamilton Cobb) - this chapter
2. Seamus Harper/Telemachus Rhade (Gordon Michael Woolvett/Steve Bacic) - perhaps next, if I get a request for another.
Rating: FRM
Prompt: Connie Linck (aufic@lists.squidge) asked for a new chapter to the Andromeda "Angel" series. Connie, hope you like this chapter.
Note: Since I'm taking official requests on the journals, I'll be answered listing requests as well in the order I find them. If you're interested in a specific story from me, now would be a good time to let me know.
Warnings: Angst, well, that just follows.
Genre: (General/hetero/slash): slash
Chapter number if WIP: 3
Previous chapters or series at: http://www.squidge.org/peja/cgi-bin/viewstory.php?action=printable&textsize=0&sid=6688&chapter=all
Permission to archive to WWOMB: Others ask, and include the headers.
Acknowledgments/Notes: See prompts notes
Disclaimer. Andromeda does not belong to me. no money made in this

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March 2011




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