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[27 Oct 2018|09:47am]

In a different time and on a different Earth, a single catastrophic event leads to an astronomical phenomena.

One's arrival here will be instantaneous, falling through a rip in time and space. They will be yanked into the 24th century, a cyberpunk techno-dystopia. A depraved new world crammed dangerously above what was old San Francisco. The skies are polluted with flying cars. Neon signs, large and gaudy, glinting throughout the cityscape. Below, in the depths of its crooked streets, is a labyrinth of shady, rundown bazaars and holographic advertisements.

Although, a traveler will not arrive into the thralls of the city. They will immediately wake to a loud zipping sound, slipping out from their plastic prison (psychsacs). Once a traveler collects their thoughts they will realize they are in a clean and sterile facility, a blinding contrast from the dirt and grime that has swallowed up San Francisco. Their perplexed face greeted by silent figures cloaked in hazmat suits.

Game loosely based on Altered Carbon.

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cross posted [27 Oct 2018|02:09pm]
Looking for a darker line filled. Something with mental/physical/emotional abuse issues. Want to play two characters who are crazy about each other but also bring out the worst in each other. Would be for a comm.
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[27 Oct 2018|02:57pm]
something for davey havok, I can play him in any era
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[27 Oct 2018|04:05pm]
something for marilyn manson
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[27 Oct 2018|04:17pm]
[info]coastline ryan sitkowski for a line.
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[27 Oct 2018|07:36pm]
I'd love to brainstorm a het line for either a female vampire or werewolf. I have various ideas including a werewolf that cleans up after her vampire and a world where werewolves have to be owned or fight in 'dog' fights. Very open to other ideas though
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[27 Oct 2018|09:57pm]
Looking for a Pablo Schreiber (celeb or PB) to fill one of the lines in the journal. Info is here and comments are screened.
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