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[08 Apr 2018|04:46pm]
psl for this guy, i'll play him from any era and i'll do het/slash
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[08 Apr 2018|05:19pm]
frank castle over to [info]avengers_mods, along with matt murdock and everyone else from the netflix series.
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[08 Apr 2018|05:30pm]
[info]alternis Bellatrix Lestrange for Anton to have competitions with for "who's worse?" Also because our Narcissa needs her. Lucius Malfoy, Rodolphus Lestrange, Fenrir Greyback, Augustus Rookwood, Igor Karkaroff, Albert Runcorn, Crabbe Sr, Goyle Sr, Mulciber Sr, Nott Sr, Rosier Sr, Yaxley, and some of those future DE kids while we're at it.

And maybe Fabian and Gideon Prewett for this guy to inevitably murder.
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[08 Apr 2018|06:05pm]

Welcome to Chendara! A panfandom next gen game with a twist. All fandoms welcome. Game opens 4/10!
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[08 Apr 2018|08:20pm]

What would happen if the last curse was never cast? Drizella hasn't kidnapped Henry and the curse was never cast. Gothel and Drizella did try to capture Henry, but when that didn't work they cast a different spell to try and bring the curse about, but instead of bringing them to the other world it brought the other world to the Enchanted Forest.


Emma Swan, Zelena, Henry Mills, Killian Jones, Melissa McCall, Wynonna Earp and T'Challa!

Basis Game Info

[info]itsnofairytale is a Once Upon a Time panfandom game set during the beginning of the seventh season before the last curse was cast.


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[ viewing | April 8th, 2018 ]
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