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[11 Feb 2018|05:34am]
A royal couple finally finds a daughter that was stolen from them as a child. To complicate matters she is seventeen and there is a deep attraction between both her twenty-five year old brother (who is in line to be king) and her. I'd like to play out the attraction, the complications it has, and their relationship both emotionally and physically. (I would play the found princess.)

Please comment in the journal if you're interested.
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[11 Feb 2018|06:24am]
still hoping for a slash line or het line where she's either a go-go dancer, stripper, merch-girl or someone that works for his band.
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[11 Feb 2018|06:48am]
does anyone play marilyn manson, lana del rey, taylor momsen, or lady gaga?
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where has all the roleplay gone? [11 Feb 2018|02:39pm]
I've noticed for a long time now there's been less and less in the way of games/communities/etc going on here - so where have rps migrated to? Any idea? I kind of want to branch out or at least look around to branch out.
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[11 Feb 2018|04:11pm]
I just rewatched Pacific Rim and I desperately need a Gotham crossover wherein Thomas Wayne and Alfred Pennyworth are drift compatible. I'd love to play their connection and then the eventual tragedy of Alfred losing Thomas which leads to Bruce stepping into his father's place similar to the Gipsy Danger storyline from the film.

I'm happy to play Alfred or the Waynes. I just need this and all of the angst that comes with it.
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TWD GPSL or PSL [11 Feb 2018|05:48pm]
Hey, Rick Grimes player here... looking for a couple of things. 1) I want to gauge interest in a TWD PSL. 2) I'm here looking for m/m lines between Negan/Rick (abusive, the worse the better), possible a Daryl/Rick line. I could be open to other pairings. Please don't ask for Carl and Rick together. If you're interested, please leave a screened comment and I'll either set up a custom or you're welcome to. Thanks.
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[11 Feb 2018|08:39pm]


Original supernatural ABO-verse adult game. Situated in a lush exclusive resort in the Caribbean. Come bring all your favorite muses.

Male and female pbs are welcome. Our characters range from members to sex workers and exotic dancers to security and shopkeepers and everything in between. Many fun opportunities to play your characters just the way you want to write them.

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[11 Feb 2018|10:21pm]
Looking for anything for a pb Jensen Ackles preferably slash.
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