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[03 Feb 2018|01:36pm]
[info]tarnishedmod i'm looking for her sire for something important, and also maybe a group of vampires for her to get tangled in with similar to the group of misfits from stranger things!
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[03 Feb 2018|02:17pm]
[info]tarnishedmod Looking for vampires to join this council member’s nest! A right-hand man (or woman)! The young would-be-priest he turned in the 1700’s or even a brand new baby vampire who he just recently turned for him to dote on and spoil.
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[03 Feb 2018|05:54pm]
Would anyone be interested in writing the demon side of a detailed demon/human line (or any kind of monster/human line, really)? I've got a handful of ideas but I'd love to really plot and build out a world together and create something we both enjoy. Currently only interested in slash lines.
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[03 Feb 2018|07:12pm]
[info]bacchusbeach So I have this idea. I'd love to find a not so typical Alpha male for this not so typical Omega. Someone who's on the softer, sweeter side, maybe an Alpha who needs reassurance and doesn't always want to conform and be in charge of things? Someone who would appreciate a strong-minded, confident partner. Something along those lines. Anyone interested?
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[ viewing | February 3rd, 2018 ]
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