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[30 Jan 2018|11:58am]
[info]tarnishedmod Oscar Isaac, pleaaaaase, as something long-lived for constant run-ins and constant snark (and maybe sexual tension?) Daisy Ridley, Laura Dern, John Boyega, etc; let's Star Wars this shit up. Fae in general, more vampires for him to avoid. Everything!
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x-posted [30 Jan 2018|07:47pm]
I'd love to have a 40+ man against my 25 year old trans guy in a mostly modern, slice of life line revolving around building their relationship and exploring trust and intimacy with one another - sex is fine, but it should lead to something. I'm not picky about any preferred PBs, so if you're searching for something to write bring any face to me and I'll very likely be intrigued. I'm particularly fond of non-conventional body types, heavy weight, hairy, etc. and would love to see that type, but it's not required! Screened here and in the journal.
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[30 Jan 2018|08:39pm]
Missing the nights writing and world building. I've a character itching in my skull to come alive that I've been thinking over for awhile now. Looking of a urban based fantasy plot with a dragon shifter who is more in love with power and riches stumbling across the one. For the first time in his long life he experiences love at first sight but as he is a arrogant, always get what he wants dragon hiding in the form of a handsome Alpha man, it backfires often as he has never, necessarily, had to woo someone. This someone is not wowed by his power, his riches, and does not cower at his presence like most. Hopeful for a lot of comedy, frustration, plot-with-smut, and exploring the depths of creativity. Above all else, having fun. Slash or Het. I have more details if interested, and would love to plot and build together.
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[30 Jan 2018|10:41pm]
Looking for a modern royalty line, het/femme. Comment here or the journal.
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