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[12 Jan 2018|12:32am]
I have a some psl ideas and I'd really like to fill at least one more. All of my lines involve unusual angst causing surrogacy in different settings. Content would vary, depending. There's more in journal, but one idea I'm really craving right now is below. It has a lot of flexibility with world building, setting and time that I'd love to play with and explore. Things can also be adjusted to suit the characters and setting better. I have a few ideas of options.

idea )
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[12 Jan 2018|08:24am]
[info]bitethebigapple Looking for the vampire owner of this former would-be huntress turned alcoholic lycan. More details available, preferred faces include Aidan Gillen, Peter Dinklage, even Iwan Rheon, may be open to others.
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[12 Jan 2018|12:15pm]
ISO a historical slash line with this Jack Huston PB, svp. Prohibition, gangs, soldiers with PTSD, upstairs/downstairs, something inspired by the film The Reader where your younger character teaches mine how to read, something inspired by Hemingway's The Sun Also Rises dealing with issues of impotency, and I would even be willing to give Richard Harrow a shot if anyone had a Jimmy Darmody lying around. For something off the wall, I would not mind brainstorming a steampunk line. Slash only. Comment here or the journal.
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[12 Jan 2018|06:18pm]
REALLY dark and smutty slash? I'd love a cunt boy if possible who's masculine, but not a required type.
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