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Negan is back... [16 Oct 2017|03:49pm]
Seeing as how the premiere is just around the corner, I thought I'd take this guy out of retirement. I'm all about fandom cross-overs, and OC's in TWD universe. Het/slash/gen is all fine by me. Some character's I'd love to play him against are Alicia Clark (fear the walking dead), Rosita, Daryl, Rick, Carol, and Carl (gen line only, sorry) to name a few.
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[info]cirquenocturne [16 Oct 2017|09:04pm]
Wanted: Security, fire-based performers, ticket sellers, an illusionist, mermaids/sirens, performers & bar staff for the burlesque show, game operators for the Midway, performers in the freak show, living statues, cooks/chefs/waitstaff for food vendors, stage combatants, marionettes, roustabouts.

Not sure what to bring?

Maybe a new witch for our dark-slanted Coven. Shifters to run wild during the full moon. Vampires to hold carnival-goers in thrall. Spirits to populate a haunted house or the mirror maze. A siren to lure in delicious meals. Check out our Wanted Lines, and feel free to hit us up for ideas!
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[ viewing | October 16th, 2017 ]
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