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[06 Dec 2014|05:40pm]
Looking for a long-term line for this girl here, with as much plot as there is smut. Historical, fantasy, supernatural, medieval, breaking gender roles (I'd love to play her as a Lady Knight charged with the protection of a Prince, or as a vampire against a human male) are loved! Het preferred, but I would do femme for the right face.
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[06 Dec 2014|09:51pm]
We're in need of pirates and Peter Pan's boys for the treehouse in our AU Neverland game [info]savagegardens!
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[06 Dec 2014|09:59pm]
“Welcome to Marrowood; please survive enjoy your stay.”
Marrowood; a small, quaint little town. Or so it seems. At the heart of this town is a dark and twisted secret, a terrible truth that, once revealed, cannot be shut out until all who know are dead. With untold horrors roaming the town, citizens that respond to no amount of cajoling and nasty terrors waiting around every turn, will you survive your stay? Or fall prey to the darkness like those before you?
NAV { MOD · IC · OOC · NET · ©
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come to me [06 Dec 2014|10:21pm]
"Time isn’t a straight line. It can twist into any shape. You could be born in the 20th century and die in the 19th and it’s all my fault. I brought you here.”

Warning: plot heavy line behind cut. Click at your own risk.

Line inspired by Time Machine by HG Wells, Hannibal as created by Bryan Fuller and The Three Musketeers by Alexandre Dumas.

Serious players/inquiries only please.

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[ viewing | December 6th, 2014 ]
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