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[15 Oct 2014|11:46am]
Looking for a partner-in-crime to join [info]nc_mods with. Perhaps a Clemence Poesy or Lily Collins PB for a love interest as well? Would love to plot out something dark and twisty!
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[15 Oct 2014|01:09pm]

A "Vampire the Masquerade" Game

Blackwood. A city in chaos, but you wouldn't know it from the surface. Each day, it functions normally - the subway runs, people go to work, eat in restaurants, go home. But at night, the other city wakes up.

Between the safe haven of streetlights and neon signs, the Kindred stalk the living. Undead revenants who feed on the blood of the living, maintaining their Masquerade throughout the centuries even as the signs of the Final Nights gather pace, and murmurs of the end of the world become a constant buzz. The Camarilla maintains order in this city, but it is a tenuous hold, one rife with internecine conflict and the Machievellian schemes of the Elders who hold sway when the sun retreats beneath the horizon.

The Camarilla Prince of Blackwood met Final Death some nights ago, at the hands of unknown assassins. Now, the clans of vampires in the bay city jockey for power among one another, the ancient Jyhad being fought through subterfuge and politics. All the while, though, rumors of Sabbat plague the Kindred, and some wonder who was truly responsible for the Prince's death.

Blackwood City is play by journal urban fantasy game based on White Wolf's Vampire the Masquerade RPG. We feature original characters a novel approach to combining elements of tabletop RP with journal RP.

Premise // Rules
Wanted // Taken & Held // Apply
Dropbox // Mod Journal

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[15 Oct 2014|06:18pm]
I would give anything for a smutty, angsty twincest line with Harry and Luke Treadaway. Would be willing to do this celeb, pb or their characters Tom and Barry in Brothers of the Head. I'll do pretty much anything to write this. Comment here or at my journal.
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[15 Oct 2014|06:28pm]
Would there be any interest in a modern crime families game inspired by the game of thrones universe and where the 7 kingdoms would be a fictional metropolis instead.
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[15 Oct 2014|10:00pm]
Fallout? Threading only, 3/NV setting preferred. Alternatively, if there's any lines featuring mature adults with post apocalyptic/zombie apocalypse that need filling, might be up for that.
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[15 Oct 2014|11:09pm]
Would the rest of the aerial silks group this elemental witch performs in at the Night Carnival. He's Earth so Fire, Water, and Air are all open for the taking. Would love if he got along with some more than others, he's a replacement for the last earth elemental so that could cause animosity, also would love one who he clicks with really well, a partner in crime of sorts for mischief. Over at [info]nc_mods
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