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[07 Aug 2014|12:55am]
Seriously long shot but is there anyone out there willing to play as Samuli "Skrymer" Ponsimaa, guitarist from Finntroll? I'd really love a slash line with Vreth and Skrymer, they are so cute together. I am willing to make icons for whoever takes up the role!
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[07 Aug 2014|04:45pm]
We are two players, looking for a third to join us in a supernatural gpsl. I play Brian as an alpha and the other player plays Zacky as a beta, we're looking for a Matt to be Brian's mate and omega. Obviously not a ftb line but with some interesting plot ideas, fun and romance. Comments are screened so fire away ;)

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[07 Aug 2014|07:41pm]
Looking to brainstorm some fun dirty PB or Celeb lines. Would be into some fandom too.

Open to faces and kinks.
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[07 Aug 2014|08:40pm]
[info]saintmod a mistress to put patrick in his place despite his stubborn denial that he's submissive, a kid sister who might have a tiny crush on him (and would be a freshman this year), an alpha male patron to prove he isn't as heterosexual as he thinks.
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[07 Aug 2014|09:25pm]
Would anyone be interested in a line heavily inspired by the film Scream? A psychopathic killer is on the loose that turns out to be the boyfriend of a Sidney-esque character. She kills him; he's presumed dead. But plot twist! The psychopathic boyfriend pulls a Michael Meyers, fakes his death, and returns home to further torment his ex, and, naturally, kill innocent people for kicks and fame.

I'd love an opportunity to play both roles, so my fingers are crossed for a couple of lines of this! Serious inquiries only. No flaking, please!
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[07 Aug 2014|10:39pm]
Something for Jared
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[07 Aug 2014|10:55pm]
[info]despair more werewolves, packmates, a girl he bit that survived the change
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