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[24 Jul 2014|02:12am]
[info]saintmod Personally looking for a cousin to come in and replace the one I lost. :[

Man/Woman, doesn't matter. Open and flexiable but only looking for a platonic relationship with said cousin line. There are many other characters and some wanted lines. Always could just join the [info]saintooc and ask around game! Super friendly and thread active!
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[24 Jul 2014|01:58pm]
[info]despair the female vampire who she is a blood donor for, and lover to. i'd also love her older brother who is a hunter and who disapproves of her life choices.
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[24 Jul 2014|09:54pm]
[info]despair New supernatural game/gpsl opening soon. I would love to see some angels, vampires, demons, and everything else.
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[ viewing | July 24th, 2014 ]
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