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[27 Jun 2014|11:21am]
I'd like to play a femme pb line involving a woman who's physically or mentally disabled and her live-in caretaker. Ok with non- or dub/con, bdsm, mistress/slave, humiliation/degradation. I'm open to playing either role but I'd like to use Ellen Page if I play the patient.
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[27 Jun 2014|07:22pm]
trigger warning: incest

i am looking to do a pb line with harry treadaway/luke treadaway mature writers only. this won't be a smut line, and this won't be a line where they're all "lol we're ok with being with each other it's totally normal!" because it isn't. i want to explore the how, the why, the hiding, the denial, the repercussions, the drama, the stress, and even the happiness and love.

i can do normal pb, faux celeb, a combo of normal/faux, and possibly harry potter or true blood. i am open to which of the twins i pb.

please make me a custom if you're interested.
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[27 Jun 2014|07:31pm]
father/daughter, cousins, uncle/niece, step/step? I'm looking to play the female.
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[ viewing | June 27th, 2014 ]
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