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[24 Jun 2014|04:49am]
I'd love a Tyrion to join [info]gangdom with my Bronn. The game is an AU modern day crime take on the Game of Thrones verse. Shae and Podrick would also be welcome and I'd be down for anything with the Hound. Any other characters work too, I'm flexible. If you're interested, drop a line at my dropbox and we can discuss plot.
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[24 Jun 2014|05:03am]
[info]blackrockcity a dystopian slash gpsl inspired by the Mad Max-verse and set in a post apocalyptic wasteland in Nevada where players are trying to survive by any means necessary. Open to both celeb and OC/PB characters. Master/slave and mpreg friendly. Established storylines are welcomed as well. If you're looking for a fun, original game for your homeless characters this summer, check us out!
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[24 Jun 2014|07:50am]
would someone play any of the kardashians, either jenner sister, matthew, another actor or a model against jared?
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[24 Jun 2014|02:16pm]
[info]supersuit long shot but someone to bring in ra's al ghul so that these two can have a volatile business relationship where they each take advantage of the other's services and occasionally one another.
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[ viewing | June 24th, 2014 ]
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