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Randomness [09 Feb 2014|03:44am]
This might be a longshot, but I'm looking for someone who PBs Cuba Gooding Junior. I saw a movie called Shadowboxer, and it made me want to write opposite him in a May/December line. If anyone would like to take up Cuba, reply here or comment the journal.
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[09 Feb 2014|06:01am]
can I get something for Adam Lambert? I would love an ex of his maybe Brad, Sauli, or Drake even! Someone more twinky maybe for a celeb/fan type thing? I'm open for your suggestions, but I'd love something for him
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[09 Feb 2014|06:20am]
does anyone play chord overstreet, chris colfer, adam lambert or daniel radcliffe?
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trying one last time [09 Feb 2014|05:44pm]
Something for Adam
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[09 Feb 2014|07:41pm]
We have some really great wanted ads up over at When Darkness Falls! If you're looking to join a game with a built-in line, please check us out here.
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Check the journal! [09 Feb 2014|08:39pm]
Looking for someone to help me out with the lines in my journal, especially the science fiction ones. Please?

Comment or send a PM if you're interested!
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[09 Feb 2014|09:47pm]
Come take a peek at [info]drkmd~

Unstable, sadistic Alecto needs her crazy incestuous protector and big brother, Amycus.

Stubborn, feisty Emmeline needs an owner to put her in her place as a Mudblood.

Also working on a James and Thorfinn!

Comment here, or drop a comment on their profiles. All comments screened! ♥
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[ viewing | February 9th, 2014 ]
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