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[06 Feb 2014|04:33pm]
would there be any interest in a supernatural apartment comm?
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[06 Feb 2014|07:04pm]
Taking him to [info]drkmd, an AU Marauder's Era HP gpsl where Voldemort has won. I am looking for his betrothed (open to names/faces), his brother Rodolphus, and his slave.
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[06 Feb 2014|07:28pm]
Any SNK fans?

I'm looking for a darker line for Levi. I'd prefer him to be the sub (challenging, not really in the running to win any prizes for his submission, to be frank) in a D/s relationship, or we can just head straight into fucked-up-not-negotiated relationship dynamics. Canon or AU, I love them equally. I'd prefer an Erwin Smith for him to play against, but am not going to draw a line in the sand on that point.

Prefer threading, but over a messenger system can be worked out. Please reply via comments here or in my contact post on this journal. Both places are screened.
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[ viewing | February 6th, 2014 ]
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