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[27 Jan 2014|06:00am]
Wanting an older, Michael Fassbender PB for one of my younger men who's a bit on the desperate side because he's married and has kids of his own. We can incorporate all kinds of darker elements, but it'd be fun if they met somewhere online first. There could be history between them as well, and they just had no idea about the other's online life. Screened. Just please be advised: I'm not able to tag more than once for most of the week, but on my days off I try to get in at least a few. And my hours are crazy(I work nights, PST).
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[27 Jan 2014|06:42am]
looking for a nick carter, any one of the bsb/nsync guys or jesse mccartney
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[27 Jan 2014|07:26am]
[info]realitydome_mod is a small super-powers GSL focused on organic character development and writing. It is plot-heavy, stable, and open to all faces, races, and orientations.
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[27 Jan 2014|12:52pm]
Looking for an older king for my bold queen in a modern-but-AU kingdom line. Includes: world war triggered by genocide, arranged marriage, breaking down emotional walls, and a healthy dose of sexuality.
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Batman: Arkham City [27 Jan 2014|01:15pm]
My Jervis is searching for his Alice, with help from The Riddler.

Is there an Alice out there in Gotham/Arkham?

x-posted, sorry!
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[27 Jan 2014|03:08pm]
[info]saintmod Female patrons! Where are you? Lily Collins, Emma Stone, Kaya Scodelario, Willa Holland, Crystal Reed for suggested faces. Shay Mitchell wanted for something specific! Also one or two more male buddies for him would be great!
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[ viewing | January 27th, 2014 ]
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