DarkerSls' Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]

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[19 Jan 2014|06:26am]
I know this is a long-shot, but i was a huge shipper of colin/jared otherwise know as hephaistion/alexander. Since I know no one really celeb's either one anymore or slashes for that matter I'm willing to PB if someone will give me this pairing!
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[19 Jan 2014|12:20pm]
[info]realitydome_mod is looking for a few more writers to join our small group in a darker themed game. We still have 12 spots open (and if you're a former player, we're allowing former characters to return :) )
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[19 Jan 2014|03:43pm]
dita, manson, evan, someone for trent would be amazing!
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[19 Jan 2014|04:08pm]
could I get another male kind of goth model for him?
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[19 Jan 2014|11:03pm]

How much are you willing to sacrifice?

mod journal  .  premise  .  cast  .  holds  .  rules  .  faq  .  wanted  .  app

MOST WANTED: Maistre, Esclave, & Staff/Professors

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[ viewing | January 19th, 2014 ]
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