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[03 Sep 2013|02:02am]
[info]wildemont wolf/hunter game set in 1220. looking for a runaway wife, more children, fellow hunters, enemies, friends, and the werewolf that killed his eldest child
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[03 Sep 2013|08:43am]
someone to give line three a whirl, preferably with gabriel macht as the pb. looking to fill the other lines listed as well, but that one has been a favorite that i've wanted to try for awhile.
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[03 Sep 2013|09:09am]
Looking for someone to work out a supernatural line with in a slash friendly community! I'm playing Ryan Kwanten pb as a hunter. Open to many different faces but would especially love someone from True Blood: Alex Skarsgard, Joe Manganiello, Jim Parrack, Robert Kazinsky etc.

I enjoy darker lines, so a supernatural character (vampire, werewolf or demon) would be fun to play with! Must be AIM friendly!
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[03 Sep 2013|08:48pm]
Is there anyone out there who I can get to play a bottom Ryan Reynolds, Colin Farell, Jon Berenthal, David Beckham, Jon Hamm or Jared Padalecki? I have some ideas involving being tied up (willingly or unwillingly) and getting fucked in front of a crowd, his boyfriend, empoylees or something involving blackmail and destruction of his personal life in craving dick. More details will be given to thats interested.

Would also love to play a cunt boy against these men.
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[03 Sep 2013|11:41pm]
Father/Daughter line anyone? open to details.
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[ viewing | September 3rd, 2013 ]
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