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[09 Jul 2013|02:01am]
derek hale for a toxic and complicated line?
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[09 Jul 2013|05:21am]
Giant Ad under the cut, contains everything you could want to know! )

That said, fair warning, the players (and mods) are known for high crack, high drama, high adult content. There will be sex,murder, intrigue, etc and so on. We don't put limits on plotlines as that defeats the point of writing, so be sure you're ready to get involved in chaos before applying.

We currently accept three version of each character: Canon, Alternate Universe (AU) and Previous Game (PG) so jump in!

Current Plot: Zombies!
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[09 Jul 2013|11:41am]
Looking for a PSL with someone, more than likely Marvel related. I have a few ideas up in my journal, along with a list of characters I like playing and fandoms I like playing in.

I'd be extremely interested in would be a Rogue/Pyro (looking for Pyro) or a Rogue/Iceman/Pyro (looking for Iceman and Pyro) PSL. Also of interest is a Emma Frost/Logan/Scott Summers/Jean Grey (looking for everyone but Jean) line or a Veronica Mars/Logan Echolls (looking for Logan) line.

I have a list of characters/fandoms/pairings I'm interested in here. I'm open to other suggestions though:D And I have a more extensive list here.
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[09 Jul 2013|12:51pm]
I'm looking for someone who would be interested in playing a male character in a line surrounding a place like SCP where unnatural and classified events and findings are studied. SCP is entirely fictional, of course, but I'd like to take some of their files and explore the canon they've created.

Anyone familiar with House of Leaves is especially welcomed.
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[09 Jul 2013|06:18pm]
check the journal for storylines, s'il vous plaƮt! I am open to one or all! let's talk shop.
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Stand-based GPSL [09 Jul 2013|08:07pm]

We are looking for some writers interested in joining us in a small GPSL loosely based on Stephen King's The Stand. It's modern-day, AU, with OCs and not canons, and a bonus of potential supernatural effects for your characters.

Interested? Come on by!

Xposted to all the places
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