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[16 Feb 2013|12:19am]
This Scott is in desperate need of an Allison. Anyone anywhere interested in playing her? Most possibilities are open and he's already set up in a friendly, active community. Any takers? Please comment here or send me a message over at his contact post in the journal.
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[16 Feb 2013|10:59am]
A Sherlock for my Irene Adler, perhaps? Can be from Elementary or Sherlock. Brainstorming for the plot is necessary, but I do have a couple of ideas we can work from (I'd like to keep her as a dominatrix, however everything else is up in the air and can be sorted out). I'd also be willing to play a completely original character, if that is preferred. Threading only, as AIM and GDocs and whatever else are not my thing.
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[16 Feb 2013|12:16pm]
[info]echelons Line's for this wandering vampire.
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[16 Feb 2013|01:07pm]
What is needed/wanted at [info]echelons? I have nothing set in stone but rough guide lines of what I'm looking to play is either a female or male, between the age of ( 19-26ish give or take) human or possibly vampire. Sexuality is also completely fluid.
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[16 Feb 2013|04:06pm]
Would anyone play or pb Freida Pinto to be this guy's arranged wife or as the woman he's having an affair with besides his wife? There's some detail to go behind for either line but I'd be glad to elaborate in detail behind a custom. Threading only, please.

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[16 Feb 2013|05:57pm]
After the end of the war a peculiar calm settled over the Wizarding World and they were left to pick up the pieces and try to return to normality. Those who had missed school were given a chance to go again while everyone else re-built their world. Those connected to Voldemort were investigated and placed on trial before being sentenced to time in Azkaban. For two years there was calm, peace. And then, one day, a brand new building showed up overnight and along with it people from the past and future. Suddenly, there were multiple copies of the same people around, people who were in the present dead, come forward from a time before their deaths. No one has an explanation for how this has occurred, but it’s brough other strange incidents with it, as well.

Aetates is a multi-generation Harry Potter game set in the year 2000. The game is canon compliant up through the start of the game, but from time to time, we will be inviting characters to be brought in from various AU canon points. Characters from any era are welcome - past, present or future. Things will be kept lively with random challenges - genderswaps, crazy magical goings on and someone potentially trying to get the war re-kindled.
aetates is now open!
please check out our wanted post!
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threading/journals only. [16 Feb 2013|07:49pm]
Some (het) lines for her would be fantastic. Not entirely sure what I am looking for storyline-wise yet, but I would love to write her against a Bradley Cooper or Michael Fassbender pb. Incest & affairs are favorites, but I'm open to trying just about anything.
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