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x posted [12 Jan 2013|12:21am]
A girl to play opposite of him in a zombie gpsl? Pretty please, I'll love you forever. Line can be organic or predetermined. Friends for this guy in a small zombie gpsl.
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Cross-posted. [12 Jan 2013|02:42am]
Dean/Castiel line please? Or even Wincest, cool with me too. :)

ETA: I'd love an Avengers line too. Stony please!

Otherwise, I'd love a slash line please... het is fine too.

Dark/smutty is fun, but I would actually love something plotty too if you want that.

You can reach me here, or on aspacewaster on AIM. :)
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[12 Jan 2013|12:01pm]
looking for some dirty lines for any of the faces listed in my journal (especially lucy collett, mandy murphy, rosie jones, lucy pinder and jessica jane clement). i'd love to write against other pbs, but i have some fandom faces i wish to write against as well.
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[12 Jan 2013|05:47pm]
Need a husband for this nervous wife and mother in OCGuns. Someone 50+ would be good as the adult children are 32 and 28. He would be a caporegime or higher in the Italian mafia.
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[ viewing | January 12th, 2013 ]
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