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[21 Jan 2011|08:04am]
Looking for het or femme lines for my Kate here, PB or celeb. I have a couple of ideas but I am happy to brainstorm too. Older/younger lines are always fun with Kate either being the younger or older part I don't mind at all. Psls only!
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[21 Jan 2011|12:28pm]
Although the state of South Carolina would never officially refer to the program ran by Drs. Worthington and Richards as a “reform school”, that is exactly what it is. Founded in 2004, New Perspective focuses on reforming the delinquent individuals sent to them into more productive members of society. The staff may have a constant smile, but an estate this big has to have a few secrets, right?

The Offenders
Apparently you have little regard for the law, society’s rules, or even human life. So here you are. You’ve either been sent here by your family or shipped here by the courts in lieu of sending you straight to jail. You will be separated into two different programs: one for violent offenders and one for non-violent offenders. Chilling down South for a few months, sounds like a vacation, right? Wrong. New Perspective is a prison disguised as a positive program for young adults. You can’t leave until the Powers That Be say you can, so get used to being controlled and make the best of it.

The Staff
If you’re going to work for Connor and Koraline, it’s best that you have a clear understanding of the meaning of discretion. If you’re a long-time employee (like the Head of Security, the Chief of Staff or the Program Director), then you already know the drill:
---- Assistants/Program Directors are expected to establish positive, character building activities for the NP participants in addition to designing and heading field trips which take place every other Wednesday.

--- Psychiatrists will take turns leading group sessions once a week (on Fridays) and can refer students to either Dr. Richards or Dr. Worthington if extra therapy is needed.

--- Nurses will be in charge of assisting the doctors and keeping track of records and the medication needed for more “troubled” youth.

--- Members of the security detail work in shifts; those on the daytime shift patrol the grounds, assist staff members who are having trouble with unruly students, and at least one member will go on the field trips to keep everything under control; those on the nighttime shift patrol the grounds and make sure that attendees adhere to the curfew. Guards never actually check to see that the students are in their rightful rooms, so long as no one is caught roaming about.

All credit goes to Kia and Kcee the original MODS of Nowhere Kids on LJ
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Action! Drama! Adventure! Etc. [21 Jan 2011|02:44pm]
All right. This may be something of a long shot and it may not come across as neatly as I'd like to explain it, but that'll have to do! What I'm looking for is a line where a girl gets caught up in some sort of underground shoot-em-up scheme. She's witness to whatever the crime is because they needed her for information, but when the job gets botched and they have to flee, they realise they can't leave her behind because she knows more than she should and it would be too dangerous, both for them and for her. And they're not really bastards.

This sounds like a generic damsel-in-distress situation, but I assure you there is nothing whatsoever relatable to that involved. Ideally, I'm looking for someone to play one of the criminals. In my mind there's three of them plus her in a vehicle, they've lost the other car and they're hell bent on getting away from all the bad shit that's looming behind them. This would involve both of us playing NPCs, a lot of guns and hiding out, a girl who wasn't entirely against the scheme from the start but who's now in over her head and anything else we can think of.

I only thread, third person, past tense. I don't play simpering, high maintenance females, so please don't assume I do. Any of this can be altered as we discuss it and we can plan more in detail. Incorporating a sort of love/hate, power struggle based relationship would be really fun, too.
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[21 Jan 2011|03:04pm]
Two middle-aged women on the run from the cops. Adventures ensue. Think Thelma and Louise. No faces in mind, but I'm itching to use Mary-Louise Parker against Julianne Moore or Michelle Pfeiffer. I wouldn't mind a third party coming along if there's enough interest.

That's just one idea, though. I'm willing to brainstorm on alternative scenarios. I could turn it into het as well, but I'd much prefer femme. No flakes, or people who are just looking for pure smut. I'd like to develop this line organically as humanly possible.
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[21 Jan 2011|04:35pm]
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[21 Jan 2011|04:55pm]
Anyone want to brainstorm a Stockholm Syndrome line?
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[21 Jan 2011|07:27pm]
Character A is a by-night thief and hacker with no real illusions of notoriety. He does what he does for the rush, for picking his way through locks and security systems just to filch something of little value away while making rich busybodies realize that they're not as safe as they thought they were. Given enough money, they should be, right? Not when faced with someone who has yet to be beaten by any kind of security system man has created.

Until Character B. B is one of the wealthiest men in the area and a prime target for A, especially because A particularly enjoys the rush that comes along with a challenge. What happens, though, when he realizes too late that it was a trap and B had planned for it all along? What purposes could B have for A's skills?

I'd love for someone to fill the role of Character B.
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[21 Jan 2011|09:26pm]

Phoenix Az.


Where are you? No one knows. How did you get here? Not a clue. What you do know is that you fainted and woke up alone in the desert. You start to wander and are found by armed soldiers and are brought back to their base. An old man with a pale complexion and very long finger nails asks you questions, recording everything into a ledger. He nods and gives you a key, a smart phone and a netbook and sends you on your way.

You are in Phoenix, Arizona where the locals tell you to sleep with one eye open. Now that He has you, strange things will happen. You might forget important dates or things you've done and then suddenly remember them days later. One day your abilities may work and the next they may not. They also may be completely switched with someone else. You never know what He's going to do or who he might bring in to torment you. The only thing you can count on here is that you'll never know who He is.

Game opens with 9 characters.
Most Wanted: The rest of the Supernatural cast, more Sailor Scouts, Book!Verse Vampire Diaries characters, Harry Potter kids and many many more!

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