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[01 Dec 2010|12:22am]
looking for a possessive, abusive, stubborn male line that can keep up with this fire cracker. It involves mafia, a love of cars, racing, and possible drug use. If interested please comment below or message me at lenalullabi for more details! :)

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[01 Dec 2010|08:06am]
Looking for a private line, I would love to play an older woman against a younger guy, the darker the better. Anyone?
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[01 Dec 2010|01:32pm]
[info]15222 I have storylines that can be filled in the journal. How about Xavier Samuel as an older brother?
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[01 Dec 2010|04:09pm]
Home for this PB? I'd love to fill lines.
Or does anyone wanna go somewhere together as a pair? I hate joining comms alone, is all. My only caveats are no faux celeb and if it's a romantic line I'd prefer both characters to be in their 30's.
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[01 Dec 2010|10:52pm]
looking for a slash line for one of my harry potter OC characters, nikolai. in short he's from russia and working as an auror. for the line i would love to either play him against a death eater during the war time (just imagine all the TENSION. plus nikolai isn't on anyones side, so he might be persuaded...) or a teacher/student at hogwarts if he is working there in order to protect the students (if i'm playing him against the student, i want them to have an equal relationship though. he needs teasing and banter and challenges)

i'm open for other ideas, i just really want a line for him right now :)

threading only, please.
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