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[08 Sep 2010|12:11am]
I would just about kill for a het line with Matt Sanders or a Brian Haner for my Megan. AIM or threading.
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[08 Sep 2010|01:28am]
probably a longshot, but would anyone be interested in playing lucius or draco malfoy against my hermione granger or ginny weasley in a darker, long term psl? i have a few ideas but nothing's set in stone and i'm very open to ideas. ignore the journal obviously, haha.
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[08 Sep 2010|02:45am]
I am looking for multiple lines, seeing as I have more free time than normal now. Original psl's would be something to talk about, but I'd really like to play a submissive female in some sort of abusive line. Het and femme friendly. On the fandom side, I'd like to play out a violent relationship against a Paul from Twilight or Gale (against Prim?) from the Hunger Games. I would only do het for these last two, and would play the female. It would be AIM based, preferably, but that is negotiable. My AIM is loveryordie .
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[08 Sep 2010|09:02am]
I'm looking for someone to play the older character for an older/younger line. The basic idea is that they meet online and chat for a while before agreeing to meet up. Whether this means that he goes over to her house while her parents are out or she goes over to his or they meet up somewhere else or any number of different scenarios - we can decide that together. And wherever the story goes beyond that is up to us, we can make it as dark or as smutty as we'd like or take it through any sort of cliche - they're teacher/student, boss/employee, neighbors, whatever.

I could do this either het or slash, though I'd prefer the older character to be male. The younger can be anywhere between 15 and 20.

The darker this line is, the better. Any ideas you can bring would be awesome. I'd prefer threading but I could be swayed into AIM. PBs are definitely negotiable.
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[08 Sep 2010|01:43pm]
Anyone interested in maybe setting up a dhampir/vampire game?
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[08 Sep 2010|03:22pm]
I would like to have any of storylines XV to XX filled, please. Threading and slash only.
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[08 Sep 2010|09:38pm]
Looking for a smutty May/December line as the younger character. Can be either slash or het. AIM or threading. If you have any ideas, offer them up, otherwise we can brainstorm out a plot together. Something dark involving dub-con and rough play would be appreciated!
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[08 Sep 2010|09:42pm]
Looking for Rose/Ninth or Cristina/Owen. Check journal for more!
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[08 Sep 2010|10:33pm]
Hey there. Looking for a slash SL for my Patrick Stump. I'm really not too picky about who he'd be played against, so just comment/pm or im me at suck my trick and we'll talk about it. Willing to brainstorm some pretty out there ideas, PSL or comm, either is fine with me, just don't be shy!
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[ viewing | September 8th, 2010 ]
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