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[07 Jul 2010|01:49am]
Looking to play Miss Swan in a darker Twilight line, but I'd love to plot some ideas before jumping into it. Het and threading only.
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[07 Jul 2010|02:33am]
I would really love a celeb line with either a dominant Gerard Butler, or Marshall Mathers. I'm really not limited to kink, except I don't do water or scat play, but anything else is fine You can PM or AIM me and comments are screened. I prefer AIM for interaction and scening. Also, if you don't feel the line, please just tell me and not flake. No hard feelings.
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[07 Jul 2010|05:20pm]
[info]sunrisevalley A new supernatural game with a little bit of a twist. Opens 7/12 or at ten applications. Get your holds in now!
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[07 Jul 2010|05:47pm]
I'm looking for a Dean Winchester to play against. There are a couple of lines ideas in my journal, so feel free to take a look and reply there or here.
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[07 Jul 2010|08:15pm]
[info]maskofstars PB and celeb, most storylines accepted. Looking for Nate's three sisters, past co-workers, friends from southern california. Stop on by, everyone is really friendly and welcoming! Small group so far, so almost everyone is open for play!


AIM: NateLeto in case you have questions!
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[07 Jul 2010|08:52pm]
Looking for someone willing to play the dominant and manipulative girlfriend or school bitch against my crossdresser boy. Would be the sort of guy gets caught by girl and she humiliates and blackmails him sort of line.

AIM is Tehrpaim if you want to plot, or send pm.
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18+ Only! Just opened no actual Players yet plenty PBs avail! [07 Jul 2010|10:37pm]

Have you ever wondered what it would be like if Vampires, Werewolves and Warlocks were a part of every day life? Well with Infinitas Noctem they are. Slowly, since the beginning of time, man has evolved. When the black plague thrawted the earth there were a rare few who's DNA mutated the disease creating a super human race known only as Sanguinarians. These creatures would go on to inspire Bram Stoker, Anne Rice and many others into writing stories about them. The truth is... THEY ARE REAL. They are not like they were once before. Slowly over the years different types of diseases/experiments have mutated into the creatures we all know at love. What will your role in the sceam of things be? The choice is yours!

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