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[info]frontiers [30 May 2010|12:30am]
This Alpha werewolf needs an heir. Any ladies out there willing to be a surrogate? She can either know or not know he's a werewolf. Either way, this line promises to be full of drama.
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[30 May 2010|12:30am]
It's 1952 and you've just accepted a teaching position at the most prestigious boys' boarding school on the East Coast. You're thrilled. You're delighted. Beneath your stiff white collar and hideous paisley tie, you're tempted to jump for joy. With a piece of chalk in one hand and your roll sheet in the other, you're ready for whatever the day brings – except him. From the moment he struts into your classroom, you know he's trouble. What you don't know is just how much. You don't know that your secluded scholastic world is about to be turned upside down. You don't know that, in a year's time, you'll be one wrong step away from a lifetime behind bars. You don't know any of that, because if you knew then what you know now, you'd walk right back out that door again.

... Wouldn't you?

[30 May 2010|12:45am]
So [info]inshadowmods is going temporarily by invite / referral only come June 1. I am still in need of an incestuous brother for Irma here; the person who was going to pick him up has seemingly disappeared. I am a very active, friendly player, and I promise that I will devote time to this line. I would love to get this filled, and I am willing to help with finding a PB and with icons. If you're looking to play a 403 year old vampire who loves his sister more than he should and doesn't really like much of anybody else in a very dark, romantic, interesting line, please contact me.
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[30 May 2010|01:06am]



Everyone knew it was coming. The end of the world as we knew it. Great care is being taken to protect the living. The newly formed world government, consisting of leaders from several of the great nations, have worked together to create Salus, a home for the survivors of what they may as well declare the apocolypse.

But something doesn't add up. People go missing for days at a time and then return as if nothing was wrong. One day, they'll wake up changed...but it never lasts long.

Through it all, the residents of Salus are surviving. They're socializing, creating, and falling in love. Despite all they've gone through and are going through still, they're living. But the question remains: are they truly being sheltered by 'the good guys'?

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[30 May 2010|03:34am]
Does anyone play Connor from Angel? I have a crazy AU idea for Faith/Connor if anyone is interested...
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[30 May 2010|07:54am]
OZ-style prison rpg [info]gjmods We are one month old and going strong, looking for more bad boys to fill up the cells at Grand Junction and join the gangs.
Charlie Hunnam to join the bikers, Sean Patrick Flanery and Norman Reedus for the Irish, Travis McCoy for the Homeboys and Gabe Saporta for the Latinos.

Also Johnny Christ, James Hart, Bam Margera, Brandan Schiepatti, Marilyn Manson, Alex McKee, Cassidy Haley, Karl Urban, Kris Allen, Kellan Lutz, Colin Farrell, Josh Holloway, Naveen Andrews, Christopher Meloni, Channing Tatum, Dominic Monaghan and many others.

Also more staff members needed such as nurses, commissary manager, chaplain/priest.
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[30 May 2010|11:05am]
a boy for a manipulative and supernatural line over at [info]frontiers
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[30 May 2010|12:01pm]
Check it! I'm looking for a new slash line, basically just something interesting. I'd love something supernatural/horror themed, or maybe something involving a new doctor just starting his residency, and how it affects his relationship with his boyfriend. Or we can combine the two/come up with something completely new! I'm definitely open to brainstorming, drop a comment if interested.
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[30 May 2010|02:45pm]
I'm looking for an older guy for this girl here. It could be her neighbour, her father's best friend, her mother's new boyfriend, a professor or we could even turn this into a mail order bride line. I would love to see Robert Downey Jr or Benicio Del Terro for this but I am open to any faces. 

Also I'd be up for a line with a guy that is a little too young for her but somehow they feel very attracted to each other. I was thinking for the boy to be around 15-17.

Two other ideas could also be  - her boyfriend who was a soldier died just weeks ago and she's pregnant with his baby. His best friend promised his dying friend to take good care of her. Would the feelings turn into more?

Or her being friends with two guys turns into a mess when she starts an affair with both........

Also I am happy to brainstorm!
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[30 May 2010|03:33pm]
Matthew is a little obsessed with his teenage sister. It is all very wrong but they start a little affair. I am looking for someone to play the sister.
This would be a private line played out over threads. Please be creative with your PB.
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[30 May 2010|04:09pm]
Would anyone like a Charmed line with Phoebe Halliwells youngest daughter, here? She's 16 and I feel like writing her up seems though the comm I took her too has gone quiet. It can be based on Charmed or a Cross-over. As long as I get to write her! Thanks :)
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Play "An Insurance Agent" [30 May 2010|05:40pm]
Does somebody play in Insurance Agent who selling his policies?
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[info]frontiers [30 May 2010|05:40pm]
We need straight males and females please so there doesn't have to be a cap!
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[30 May 2010|06:13pm]
Something smutty and maybe dark for Taylor Swift? I am okay with Celeb or PB and would love an incest line if anyone was interested (PB obviously). I'd even be willing to consider femme depending on the person.
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For the Greater Good RPG (AU Harry Potter) [30 May 2010|06:29pm]

Game Community | Premise | Rules | Other Gameplay Information | Application
Current Characters | Available Characters
Immediate Plot | Canon Family Information | Ministry of Magic Information and Job List | Information on Muggle Society | Information on the Class of the Chrysanthemum and the Factions

Life changed in 1930 for every wizard and witch in London. Gellert Grindelwald killed Albus Dumbledore on a muggle street and rose to power. Nothing is like it should be. It wasn't long before Grindelwald extended his power to the muggle world as well as the magical world. Halfbloods, muggleborns, and even muggles live in fear. Breaking boundaries and rewriting old laws, he controlled everything he could see. Unhappy with just that, he stretched his power, spanning countries.

The Class of the Chrysanthemum rose early against the dark dictator, only to be broken into factions when their leader, Cassiopeia Black, met her untimely death at the end of Grindelwald's wand. Still the Class of the Chrysanthemum fought on in factions, not knowing who to trust.

It's war, but no one seems to know it.

Set seventy years after his initial take over in 2000, the new millennium, some people still hold hope for the future, but some have given up entirely.

The game officially began May 1, 2010.

Most wanted:
Amycus Carrow, Hermione Granger, Lucius Malfoy, Narcissa Malfoy, Parvati Patil, Rabastan Lestrange, Rodolphus Lestrange, Trio-era characters, Weasleys (but Molly and Ginny), and many more.
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[30 May 2010|06:50pm]
[info]inshadowmods I have this idea I would love filled the basics is: A single mom, with two three kids a daughter who's sixteen and two sons (18-21) and the reason they move to shadow falls is because the step-father is a vampire only none of them know it yet.

I don't even care if I play the mother, step-father, or either of the two siblings, so if you're interested in any of the lines let me know!

UPDATE: All the children are filled.
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[30 May 2010|06:51pm]
[info]no_quarter: A Supernatural group PSL. Looking for OCs and fandom characters alike, of any race or any season!
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[30 May 2010|08:26pm]
I'm looking for a place to play a fiercely cold Narcissa Malfoy/Black or a relatively deranged Bellatrix. No need to deal with romance. I want to develop how these women react in the growing darkness around them, especially the previous. Any age will do.
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[30 May 2010|08:34pm]
I'm looking for someone to play the daughter in a father/daughter incest line. Anyone interested?
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[30 May 2010|09:16pm]
Here's what I'm looking for...

I'd really love a great D/s slash line, and I'd even love to play the dominant character, but I'm having a hard time finding the right kind of sub. I'm looking for a character who's strong, confident, and actually enjoys the sex. Somebody a little masochistic, who'll like it when my character bends them over his knee to spank them or gets rough. Somebody dirty, who loves to get fucked and suck cock. Somebody who can initiate foreplay or sex or affection from time to time (because really, just because my guy is the dominant one doesn't mean he wouldn't like to be surprised from time to time). A character who doesn't need mine to micromanage his every move just because they're in dominant and submissive roles.

I'd love to find a player who's okay with having a smut-heavy line, but also appreciates plot. I love to play around with various settings, from modern day to fantasy to werewolves to almost anything you could think of. A player who's into lots of kink and can make the sex scenes varied.

And another thing I'd really love is to find somebody who will develop and play a second (but just as important!) couple where our roles are switched. I play sub, you play dom. I truly enjoy playing the dominant male in a relationship, but I like to play sub as well and if I don't ask for that the only responses I get are for subs. We can connect them to the original couple as friends or have them be totally separate, but I really want to find a line where I can play sub as well.

Does that person exist?? Please comment if you do!
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