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[07 Apr 2010|12:06am]
[info]twelfthday witches are human property. Come bid and own one for a month.

The game is slash/het/femme friendly and open to dedicated writers looking for a unique premise.

I'd be happy to offer lines. Join us.
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[07 Apr 2010|07:56am]

Ian Somerhalder for a line.
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[07 Apr 2010|11:56am]
[info]bloodkey Few premades open still, and plenty of room for original characters!
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[07 Apr 2010|12:24pm]
Where can I play an old, old vampire (hailing from the Dark Ages, perhaps)? No fandoms and no premades, please. I realize this narrows down my options.
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[07 Apr 2010|02:01pm]
[info]aver twiggy.
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[07 Apr 2010|04:56pm]

Join the fight.
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[07 Apr 2010|08:30pm]

[info]titanomachia @ [info]theomachi, [info]theogeny, [info]olympioi.
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[ viewing | April 7th, 2010 ]
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